Friday, January 31, 2014
Good Morning!!! So far it is pretty decent morning right now... I got my discussion boards done and posted a few times on them....there is one guy in my online class that is really great....He has some really good things to say too...It has really been nice reading what he posts....Anyways....Lets talk about these new photos of Jeremy....These were taken yesterday and he looks so tired and sad in them.....I know he's probably tired because he hasn't taken a day off since he's been back in LA....He has been at all the awards shows lately and I know that has got to be wearing on him.....Plus he is going to be leaving soon to start filming The Avengers 2, so again he's going to be even more tired......The Oscars are coming up and he will more than likely be there too, but he really needs to get some rest and soon.....He is starting to look older than his 43 years...Babe, take some time for yourself....Get away for a few days by yourself and rest and relax....You really need it.....I want to see that smile again and most importantly I want it to reach your eyes the way it has these last few weeks....You need sleep, Jeremy.....You really do.....It's starting to show that you aren't getting much and that's not good....I have the perfect place you could go to get away from it all....It's a little town called Leavenworth Washington.....Nice little town and pretty quiet this time of year too.....there are a ton of bed and breakfasts that you could stay at and get some much needed R & R!!!!! Think about it.....Might do you a world of good to get away for awhile.....Anyways...Love you lots.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
New Pictures!!!
Good Morning!!!! What a great morning it is too!! Finished with the discussion boards this morning and now I am early at posting here today...Which is a good thing for me....Means I have more time to do other things this morning...Okay these are new new new !!!! Taken yesterday as he was coming out of Cheebo's from having lunch all by himself!!! Poor guy...I would have gladly had lunch with him!!! Love the way he looks all casual and sexy!!! Can't help it!!! He is sexy no matter how he looks!!! I love the car too....It's a Telsa Model S Electric Car, so better for the environment and a hell of a lot better than a Porsche...Sorry I don't like Porsche's....Just love that he is out and about by himself though....At least he is getting out and not staying at home with a certain someone that will not be named....I am getting used to seeing him without the goatee and I guess it will grow on me now that he doesn't have it. I know the reason why he shaved it off is because the Avengers 2 movie is soon to start filming and Hawkeye doesn't have any facial hair...But still...He could have kept it for a few more weeks....*pouty face*...I guess I'll live...Oh the things that I dreamt of him doing with that goatee!!! *bashful smile*...Naughty things too!!!! *giggles*...Hey blame it on the man himself....He's flipping HOT!!! Anyways....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Good morning for a few more minutes!!! Not too shabby today....Woke up this morning to a wonderful sight!!! We finally have snow on the ground!! OMG it is beautiful to see....At least a foot of the white stuff and I love it!!! Call me crazy but I love snow!!! I grew up in Illinois so I'm used to this white stuff!!! I lived in TX for 18 years and hated it...We never got any snow, well not enough to suit me!!! Moved up here to my little town in the mountains in 2008 and have had snow every year since!!!But enough about that!!! *laughing* Lets talk about Jeremy in this photo from backstage at the Grammy's!!! HE looks sooooooo damn good!!! Although a bit tired but still good...although now he has no scruff!! *pouty face* I miss the goatee and the mustache!!! It was really growing on me, I thought it made him look sexy and sinful!!! Oh well...Will have to just get used to it I guess...Won't take me long...I mean this is still my man!!! Just clean shaven!!! Besides I'll get to see him with the goatee when Kill the Messenger comes out in theaters this year!!! So there!! *laughing and smiling*...I love him anyway he is!!! Can't seem to help myself....It's that smile, it gets me every single time!!! Goddess if I ever met this man and he were to smile at me I would probably become a blathering idiot!!! What that smile does me!!!! Go figure!!! Anyways!! Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out....P.S. Took both quizzes today in my classes and passed...What did you expect?? *twitchy nose grin*...Laters!!!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Arriving at Critics Choice Awards
Good morning!!! At least for a few more minutes!! Got done with classes a few minutes ago and needed to check email and what not before posting...So I' here now!!! thought that I would post this little morsel of yumminess today!!! this was earlier this month when he arrived at The Critic's Choice Awards!!! He looked FANTASTIC!!!! in that tux!!! the man does look amazing in suits of any kind!!! Plus he still had his scruff!!! I miss it too....I know he will grow it back someday and that he had to shave it off due to him leaving soon to film Avengers 2...But still I really loved the way he looked...Seriously though...He does look good and so glad that he will be doing something again that he loves....Cannot wait to see Kill The Messenger this year when it comes out and am still patiently (not really) waiting to see The Immigrant!!! One of these day it will reach this part of the world!!! Until then I have to be content to watch the movies that I have and to go onto YouTube to see him!!! I can live with that!!! Anyways...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Monday, January 27, 2014
Grammy Pictures!!!!
Good Afternoon!!! first day of classes finished for the day and so far I am liking both of them...My instructors are pretty cool and understanding too....I have to wait to get my web cam until I get my FASFA....Sucks really, but hopefully it will be here this week...anyways....Say hello to Hawkeye!!!! Yes he was there at the Grammy's last night and he looked HOT and SEXY in the grey ensemble he wore last night....At least I thought he did!!! Kinda sad to see the scruff gone, was really kinda digging it!!! Thought it made him look mysterious and sinful!!! Now he's clean shaven and looking good.....actually lets make that looking GREAT!!!!! Okay, so the tie is wonky and that's okay...Cause that's just Jeremy!!! He's adorable...One note though...He looked a bit haggard...He had circles under his eyes and bags big enough to go on vacation with...Course what do you expect...the man doesn't know what a vacation is!!!! He's been busy everyday this year so far....And the year has just started!!! Babe....Take a bit of break...Come see me!!! *giggles and grins*....wishful thinking....But hey, a lady can try!!! Seriously though, Jeremy you need some still looked great last night and it was amazing to be able to see you and to hear that sexy voice even if it was only for a few seconds...I still was able to have some really nice dreams...OMG the outfit was sexy and looked great on you....anyways...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!! Goddess I do love this man...*Cheshire grin*
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Meeting Fans
Good Morning!!! Great morning so far...Last day of freedom before returning to classes tomorrow morning, so my blog post will be at least an hour or two later than normal...but classes come first then fun time!!!...Although the whole time I will be thinking about Jeremy!!! So what else is new for me!! *big grin*...Now lets talk about a few things...first thing is he is going to be a presenter at the Grammy's tonight and that makes this blogger a very happy lady!!! Saw the seating arrangements for the Grammys too....LOL!!!!! Jeremy is sitting behind Pink!!! Hmmmm....Trouble reunion anyone!!! Now this picture is amazing to me....This is just another reason for me to love this man even more!!! He has a way with his fans and this proves he loves them and knows that without them he wouldn't be where he is now!!! How can you not love a man who loves kids!!! *big smile*...I know there will be new photos posted tomorrow all over tumblr and I will try and get a few for the blog for tomorrow...I am anxious as to what he will be wearing....And whether or not he still has his scruff!!! I personally think he should keep it and have Hawkeye look more sinful!!! It's kinda grown on me....Didn't like it at first but really liking how it makes him look more handsome, if that's at all possible!!! Anyways...Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Handsome Man
Good morning!!!! A bit later than normal but things were a bit crazy around here this morning!!! It's Saturday and I had to take time out and enjoy my coffee....Plus just to chill and relax a bit before eating and getting dressed for the day....tomorrow is my last day of freedom before starting back to online classes on Monday and boy am I ready....My break has been great but there is only so much you can do before you get bored.....I will continue to work on my screenplay so that I can get it done and see if I can get someone to read it and let me know what needs to be changed and what needs to be fixed...It's been a great journey to writing these characters, especially Jax!!! I fell in love with this character when the story started forming in my head....Just something about him....Tomorrow night is the Grammy's and I will be watching....Got some great news yesterday when I checked Tumblr and found out that this handsome man is going to be a presenter tomorrow night!!! So that means I will be a very happy lady!!! Cannot wait to get new pictures of him for the blog and for me!!! Best month ever for the beginning of the year!!! so many new pictures of him as of late and damn but the man looks HOT and Sexy and sin!!! But he can't really help that at all now can he!!! *big grin*...I say keep the new photos coming Jeremy!!! Love seeing that handsome face of yours and that gorgeous smile too!!! Soon to be seeing him in his Hawkeye costume when he starts filming The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron cannot wait to see those pictures!!! Love me some Hawkeye!!! Sexiest Archer around!!! *snarky grin*...Anyways....Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Friday, January 24, 2014
Adorable smile!!!
Good morning!!! What a great morning it is too here in my little town!!! Some would say that it is gloomy outside but I love this kind of weather...Makes me feel great!!! I love the cold what can I say!!! Although I do wish that it would snow!!! Made a lot of headway into what I need to do in order to get where I need to be ....Was finally able to talk to my bestie last night and she told me to just do it!!! So I am...I have to decide the best way to go about it and then start writing the letters!!! so wish me luck!!! Now what about this adorable man in the picture!!! Goddess how that smile affects me!!! It makes me feel all soft and mooshy inside!!! *snarky grin*....There is only one thing that gets to me though...And that is all those young girls out there that say they are fans and like him but then turn around and snipe at him for keeping his life private.....See that bothers me....He's only human and he, like all people, makes mistakes....But unlike most people, he actually stood up and took can tell that he is a good father to Ava....therefore he is a great man....a lot of men now a days don't want the responsibility of children....So when faced with an unwanted pregnancy they turn and run and say it's not theirs....So not what Jeremy did.....this actually makes me love him more...Men like him don't come around very often....But when they do, those women who have them, well they're the lucky ones....I highly doubt that Ava's mama realizes how good she has it....I'm not one to speak ill of people like her, but she trapped Jeremy....He just needs to see that.....My advice to him...Be a good father to Ava, but get away from her mama...She isn't right for you and will only bring you down....I can see that when you are away from her and out of her sight you are happy and you go back to how you were before she took over your life.....That smile we see now in new photos is the main thing that hooked me....It was real, it was honest and it was full of life....I'm glad to see it back on your handsome face...I wish that I had a chance to get to know you and for you to get to know me....You might find that I am the woman you need in your life, for the rest of your life....anyways.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out...
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Jax is here!!!
Good Morning!!!! Pretty Good Morning so far!!! Have to leave in few minutes to go to the college with my mom...Tomorrow will be the last day I'll be able to do that for a while....I start school on Monday and I am so ready!!! My screenplay is coming along really well too...I finally introduced Jax on Tuesday and he is going to be a great character!!! I can see Jeremy as this character....He's perfect for the role...Jax is so much like him it's not funny!!! Jax is totally mischievous and utterly adorable!!!! Sexy and fun too!!! That's Jeremy to a T!!! *sigh and snarky grin* Writing this screenplay has given me hope that someday it will be made into a movie....Someday it will be me up there accepting an award for a movie that I directed...I will achieve my dreams and make them come true....I am doing all of this because it is a part of who I am now....I have Jeremy and Kathryn to thank for that.....If it wasn't for them I don't think I would be doing the online classes and passing them with A's no less!!! Anyways....that's all for now....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!! goddess I do so love this man and everything about him!!! Wish that I could tell him in person!!! Someday!!!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
New picture!!! Looking HOT!!!
Good Morning!!!! What a wonderful morning here in my little town!!! Love the winter time...Although right now I am so not loving it at the moment....We have had no snow and that's a bad thing at the moment....We are a town that depends on the snow in the winter time because of the orchards...We are known as The Apple Capital of the World!!! So I'm praying we get snow soon!!!..anyways....New pictures on Tumblr this morning!!! He's home in LA right now and looking mighty adorable in his shorts!!! Really Jeremy, those legs are just down right sexy!!! Course he's just down right sexy to me!!! Although the sweatshirt is kinda bright and really wish you would have worn short sleeves!! Want to see those strong and sexy arms of yours!! But I guess you gotta stay warm....*pouty face*...I wouldn't mind being the one to keep you warm!! *big Cheshire cat grin*...Goddess what this man does to me....Oh what I could do to him too!!! Have to say I got it bad for him!!! Got my fix yesterday afternoon....I watched Ingenious again....Only the second time I have seen it and I forgot how adorable he was in this movie!!! His character is so adorable and sweet that I just want to cuddle up next to him and make him purr!!! *big grin*....Anyways....that's just me!!! Just telling him that anytime he wants I'll make him purr and make him feel really good!!! *wicked grin*...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Jeremy wearing Glasses!!! YUMMY!!
Good Morning!!! So far the morning is a good one!!! Have to leave in a bit to go to the college with my mom....I go so that I can actually get some work done on my script...Here at home it's a pain because my dad won't leave me alone....Going to be hard next week when school starts for me....He won't leave me alone then either!!! So guess I will just have to tell him to leave me the hell alone if he starts to bother me....anyways....charging my ipod so that I have my music to listen too while I am writing....As for the picture today!!! I think he looks absolutely sexy with his glasses on!!! always did like guys who wore glasses...Makes me happy to see him wearing them....I know he wears contacts in the movies but he should try wearing his glasses in one of them....Girls might swoon more!!! I know I would....I guess I'm weird....I wear glasses so if a guy I like wears them too then that's okay with me...I tried contacts but I just hate having to poke my finger in my eye every morning to put them in...Plus since my eyes are so sensitive to the sun and to any light for that matter I have to have dark lenses....Plus I also wear sunglasses....I just think that Jeremy looks HOT in his glasses is all!!! but that's just me!!! Anyways...Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Monday, January 20, 2014
WTF!! Jeremy's tongue again!!!
Good Morning!!! Pretty good morning so far!!! No school today for my mom and I can actually relax for the day...Although I will be working on my screenplay later this afternoon when mom and I go to Hastings...It's a lot quieter there than it is at the house....I can get so much done there without my dad looking over my shoulder!!! I start school a week from today and I am sooooo ready for it!!! I need to be doing something because right now I just can't seem to get out of the boredom rut I am in....I work on my screenplay everyday that I can and it is coming along really well and with me getting ready to introduce my character Jax it is going to start getting fun!!! Plus I've been doing some research on people I want to ask to be my mentors through my journey to becoming a I have been busy over the break!!! Okay here is the picture of Jeremy walking the red carpet at the SAG awards the other night!!!! The man is a total goofball!!! But I do love him!!! this picture makes me laugh and shake my head!!! It's pictures like this that tell me he is only human and can be a goofball and he's okay with it!!! I mean , come on people, how could you not love a man like this??? If I were to get lucky and be able to wake up next to this man everyday for the rest of my life I would be the happiest woman in the world....He makes me smile and feel good...Anyways...Until Later!!! Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
SAG awards pictures!!
Good Morning!!! I'm on time for a change on a Sunday!! Got things done earlier than usual and was able to post by a bit after 11 am....Okay the SAG awards were last night and I missed at least an hour of them....My stupid TV guide said they came on at 8 pm and they actually came on at 7:15 pm...So I missed seeing and hearing Jeremy!!! *pouty face*... But at least there are oodles and gobs of pictures all over Tumblr!!! Which is where these are from....Yes, The cast of American Hustle took away the big honor of Best Ensemble in a movie!!! So happy that this was theirs again....Ben Affleck presented the award to the cast...Of course Jeremy was there and looked FINE as always in a grey tux!!! He was a bit on the silly side according to reports as he walked down the red carpet before the show began!!! I'll post that photo maybe later!!!...So glad that he at least got to take home this award....All in all the show was pretty decent...Next show is the Grammy's...That's next weekend...Not really a big deal for me but I'll probably watch it...I want to see Imagine Dragons perform and plus I do believe that they are up for a Grammy too...So it would be great to see them win...Anyways...Until Later....Oh Oscars are coming up too...So definitely will be watching those!!! *big grin*...Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Saturday, January 18, 2014
SAG awards tonight!!
Good Morning!!! Kinda a rainy dreary day here in my lovely mountain town!! But I love the rain...Just checked my school site and my classes are up so went on and checked who my instructors are going to be and one of them is someone I have actually heard of....Won't say his name but I am looking forward to learning from him...School starts on January 27th and I am so ready for it to start....I am so damned bored right now...I have gotten a lot done on my screenplay but I want more things to do....I have a lot of things to do this coming week before school starts we shall see how things go!! Now on to the picture for today....The Critics Choice Awards award for best Ensemble went to the Cast of American Hustle!!! The only members that weren't there were Jennifer Laurence and Christian Bale....But as you can see Jeremy was there and looking FINE as always!!! Notice where both women were standing when they were on stage.....And Jeremy had his arms around both of them!!! Poor Cooper!!! *sneering*...Do not like the man!!! Please look at Jeremy and then look and Cooper....Who is the better dressed man in this picture!!!! Jeremy is of course!!! Course I am biased towards the man but that's okay!!! The SAG awards are tonight and I will be watching those just to see if he will be there....I am hoping that he is....Really would love to see him there...I know he isn't nominated but it would be nice to see him be a presenter....Just so that I could here his wonderful voice...Anyways....Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Friday, January 17, 2014
I want to be the one to make him smile!!
A second post for me, I know...Crazy right...But found this saying on facebook and had to post it....If there is anything in the world I would want to do for Jeremy it would be make sure that he smiled all the time....I want to be the girl to make him smile....I want to be the reason he smiles....Everything in the saying speaks of me....I don't need a dozen roses....I prefer daisies instead...and one would do fine....I would rather stay home with you and watch movies or just talk and be with you instead...I would do anything to make you happy...I want to be there and hold your hand just because I can...I guess I'm just a big romantic...But this suits me to a T...Lots of Love to you Jeremy...From your Flame.....
He was there!!! Critics Choice Awards!!
Good Morning!!!!! Has been a great day so far!!! and the day has just started for me!!! Happy Happy Happy!!!! Last night was the Critics Choice Awards and my man was there and looking FINE!!!!!!!! Here are just two of the photos that were snapped of him!!! The first one is of him with Emma Thompson and of the second one is of him on the red carpet before the awards show....I wasn't looking for him to attend last night but talk about a surprise when they panned over him!!! OMG!!!! I was so happy to see him live again!!! He looked amazing as always!!! So glad that he was there, just wish that when the cast of American Hustle won for best ensemble that he was the one to talk instead of Cooper!!! *grimace*...Sorry I just do not like Bradley Cooper....Jeremy is a much better speaker and has a much nicer voice to listen to....Coopers voice gets on my nerves!!! Jeremy's is like a fine bourbon....Smooth and warm!!!! I was just so happy to see him last night!!! I'm still smiling this morning!!! *big smile*...That man makes me smile!!! Anyways....Tomorrow night is the SAG awards and I'll be watching those too....Then the big awards show in March is the Oscars....I'll be watching that show too!!! Until Later!! Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Oh that smile!!!
Good Morning!!!! Not a really good morning for me at the moment....Kind of ticked off at the moment....Oscar nominations were named this morning and again Jeremy was snubbed for Best actor in a supporting role!!!! It went to Bradley Cooper again.....sorry if what I am about to say offends anyone but Bradley Cooper is a second rate actor compared to Jeremy!!!! that's my opinion....His role in AH was just as important if not more important than Coopers!!!! But I guess The Academy likes second rate actors!!! Oh well....I am still going watch the show, only because I usually do watch it.....Plus he might be there anyway...And I wouldn't miss the chance to see the mans beautiful smile or hear his sexy, smoky voice!!! Not sure when this picture was snapped but it captures that beautiful, amazing and captivating smile of his!!! You can see it in his eyes and on his face that he is happy!!! this is the man I fell in love with and this is the man that has finally shown himself again!!! Seeing him with a smile on his face makes me unbelievably happy....It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since I first really noticed him.....And you know what, I'm glad I did....If I hadn't come across him then I wouldn't be where I am right now.....I'm in AAU because of him and Kathryn Bigelow....Because of him I am writing again, and that includes the screenplay I am working on....Jeremy has inspired me to reach for my dreams and leave the fear behind....Someday that will be me up there on the stage accepting an Oscar!!! You can take that to the bank!!! And you can bet that I will be thanking Jeremy and Kathryn in that speech!!!! Anyways...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Happy Man
Good Morning!!! So far it's a pretty crappy morning!!!! I had to completely reboot my big computer cause it was being a pain this morning!!! It's back up now so no worries....Just going to ask a friend of mine what the flip happened....Anyways...Let's talk about this man's smile and what it does to me!!! It makes me happy!!! I love his smile!!! It lights up his whole face now....It was last years that wasn't so good....He would smile, but it didn't reach his eyes....Now it does...This picture is a few years old but there are other newer pictures that show this beautiful smile again....
This one for instance....He looks happy!!! Not to mention he looks relaxed and for me to see that coming back to this man makes me one very happy lady!!! I missed this smile for the longest time!!! Cause without it he wasn't truly happy!!! I think my favorite photo of recent ones taken is this one below
Not only is he smiling but he is laughing too!!! You can tell he is happy again!!! So to this I say, Welcome back Jeremy, I've missed this man!!! Very glad to see him back again!!! Anyways...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out....
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Feeling Good
Good Evening!!!! Just thought that I would post once more tonight....I wanted to throw out this saying to Jeremy!!! Just a little saying that I thought fit perfectly with how I feel about this wonderful man...Anyways...Until Later...Love you a lot Jeremy Lee Renner!!! Wish that you were mine!!! Jeremy's Flame, out
Jeremy and Ben

Monday, January 13, 2014
Best Dressed Man!!
Good Morning!!!! what a great morning it is too!!!! Watched the Golden Globes last night and happy to say that American Hustle took home 3 statues last night...Jennifer Lawrence took home the one for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy, Amy Adams took home the one for Best Actress in a Comedy and the movie itself took home the one for Best Comedy!!!! So needless to say this is one very happy blogger!!!! I am quite pleased that Bradley Cooper didn't win in his category....So glad it went to Jared Leto for his role in The Dallas Buyers Club!!!! Jeremy wasn't there but that's okay I was thinking about him and I know he was there in spirit!!! Now onto the picture above!!! My man is on GQ's best dressed men list for last week.....He made it to number 8 and that's pretty damn good....Come on, he should have been number 1!!! Look at the man...He looks amazing as always....He looks great in anything he wears and I for one will appreciate him any way he dresses.....Although I am quite partial to him a nice suit.....Especially if it is black or charcoal grey.....Now then again....He does fill out a pair of jeans rather nicely too!!! *twitchy nose grin*...Course I am just 100% smitten with the man anyways....He could be dressed in sweats and a t-shirt and I wouldn't care...So long as he is comfy....Anyways....that's just my opinion....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out.....Oh and if you get the chance...Go see American Hustle!!!! It will make you laugh and have a great time!!!! So worth the money to see it !!!!!
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Golden Globes Tonight!!!
Good Afternoon!!! I know I'm late but it's Sunday and that means cleaning day!! Have so much to do today and not a lot of time to do it in...Today is the monthly Coffee Hour that I attend with friends from school....It's so much fun to see these ladies and catch up with what has been happening in our lives as of late....Then tonight is the Golden Globes and I intend on watching....Not sure if Jeremy is going to be there or not, but that's okay if he isn't there....He might be, but who knows.....I want to watch to see if American Hustle wins for Best Picture!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that it does....It is an amazing movie and deserves to win...Course it does have some stiff competition in 12 Years a Slave....So we shall see what happens....Now tell me something, how is it that this handsome man was passed over for a Golden Globe nomination??? His part in AH was just as important if not more important than Bradley Coopers role....He was snubbed and that just isn't right....I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that he at least gets an Oscar nomination when they come out on Thursday!!!! Guess I will just have to wait and find out when they are announced.... Anyways.....I want to wish everyone that is up for a Golden Globe tonight the very best of Luck!!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Oh that gorgeous smile!!!!
Good Morning!!!! so far the morning is pretty good!!! although I think that it would be much better if it would snow down here in the Valley!!! We really use it..If we don't get enough snow then the orchard people will be in trouble and we will have one hell of a fire season.....that is something that we don't want....Okay this is another of the pictures that was taken in Florence over his birthday weekend....It is sooo great to see him laugh and smile again....It has been too long since we have seen that lovely smile of his....I love his laugh too, it's irresistibly delicious......I'm glad to see him having fun again and being happy again too...Been way to long for that man....Last year was a bad year....I mean don't get me wrong it was a good year for him for his movies, but the whole baby mama deal.....The IMDb message board girls got on my nerves because of their mouths and what they were saying about him and how he shouldn't have kept it quiet and all....Well he does have a right to his privacy....Now he is being seen more and is looking amazing and happy again.....Which for me is a wonderful thing.....Anyways....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Sexy as Sin!!!
Good Morning!!! Sorry yesterdays post was so short but what more could I say about the picture!!!! WOW!!!! The man looks HOT in black!!! And those pants, can he get them any tighter!!!! Not sure if I posted this video or not but if I did oh well....My friend Zoe got me addicted to the video that a fan made of Jeremy using the song Everybody Loves Me by One Republic!!! Now I love the group and their music...But this song is stuck in my head now!!! LOL!!!! That's okay!!! I'll get others obsessed with it too!!! Okay I gotta put up this one picture of Jeremy...From the same collection as yesterdays so enjoy this one too...Now tell me this man doesn't know he's Sexy as Sin??? He's also a total goofball too!!! But I absolutely adore the hell out of him and I ain't ashamed to say it either!!!! Wish he were mine, someday maybe.....*mischievous grin*...Anyways...Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Sex on Two Legs!!!!!!
Good Morning!!!!! Okay first off This man looks F***ing SEXY as Sin!!!! These were taken on his birthday over in Florence Italy!!!! Are we sure this man is 43 years old??? Cause he sure as hell doesn't look it!!!! Oh baby!!! These pictures make me swoon!!!! I'm sitting here fanning myself because you look so damn HOT and SEXY as Sin!!! Now this is what I call Sex on two legs!!!! these just make me want to jump him and take him to a dark alley and have my wicked way with him!!!! Talk about good dreams tonight ladies!!! Anyways...I gotta jet....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
My Hawkeye
Good Morning!!!! So far it is a great morning here in my lovely mountain town!!! I have an appointment this afternoon to see about health insurance so that ought to be fun, NOT!!! but since we are required by law now to have it I have to get some...Besides with as much as I get sick in a year I better have it...Plus have certain tests that have to be done twice a year in order to check my health, so yeah insurance comes in handy for that....Been working on my screenplay almost every day this week and it is coming along rather well too...I'm getting to the point where Jax is soon to be introduce and this is going to be the fun part for me to write...Jax is a great character and is the one that I adore the most....He's like a my child and I want him to be perfect...So I want to take my time with writing him....And for inspiration I have plenty of pictures of Jeremy to look at !!!!!! *Cheshire cat grin*....See I picture Jeremy as Jax!!! He's got that cocky look that I like and when I think of Jax that's how I picture him...Really hoping that once I finish the screenplay I can find some way of getting it made into a movie....We shall see how things play out!!! I am so bored right now though....The screenplay is all I have to do at the moment and I am so ready for classes to begin again....I have 19 more days of holiday break to go before school starts up again....I am also dying for a Jeremy fix and come hell or high water I will watch some of his movies this week!!!!...*shaking head and grinning*...I did watch 2 episodes of The Unusuals last night before watching Agents of SHEILD!!!! So at least I got a bit of a fix then...Had great dreams too!!! Anyways!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out.....Wonder what he did for his birthday yesterday??? Hope he had a great day whatever he did!!!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Happy 43rd Jeremy!!!
Good Morning!!!!! HAPPY 43RD BIRTHDAY JEREMY!!!!!!!! Thanks to my friend Zoe who created this Pizap collage....I haven't had to chance to do so today but I do plan on doing it this afternoon!!! Damn this man looks HOT!!!! Cannot believe that he is 43!!! He's just 7 months older than me!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah....I just gave away my age....I'll be 43 this year too!!! Ya know what??? So what...I don't look my age and I damn well don't act it!!!! Anyways...In honor of his birthday I am wearing my I LOVE HAWKEYE t-shirt!!!! I do hope he is having a wonderful birthday wherever he is and doing something that he loves to do!!! I wish that I could be there to help him celebrate his birthday and just be with him....Give him all the attention he deserves and treat him like the king that he is to me!!!! Damn but that man would be so spoiled if he were mine!!! I'd make sure that he stayed happy and would never have cause to worry if I would stray!!! Cause ladies, why the hell would I....I mean if I had this man in my life I would have everything I ever wanted!!! He makes me smile and he makes me happy!!! Why would I want to stray??? I wouldn' he would never have cause to worry....So Jeremy, Happy Birthday baby!!!! I love you more and more everyday!!!! You can take that to the bank!!!! Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!! Sending you big hugs and lots of kisses birthday boy!!!! *wrapping my arms around you and hugging you tight*
Monday, January 6, 2014
That look!!!
Good Afternoon!!! I know I know I'm late, but have been busy today...I went to the school with my mom and actually got some work done on my screenplay...It's much easier to do it at the college than here because here I have to deal with my dad and he is a pain in the arse when it comes to privacy!!...then I came home and had to make a pasta salad for lunch this week so that I could start eating a bit more healthier!!! I seriously need to lose some weight this year again...I do so well but then I just get side tracked and gain it all back....In need of a Jeremy fix and need it soon....I think I may try and watch one of the movies later on if I get the chance...Course then again I may end up watching Fast and Furious 6...Who knows what I'll be doing!!! Jeremy has been on my mind a lot, course then again when isn't he on my mind!!! Tomorrow is his birthday and I do hope that he has a great day and gets to celebrate it doing something fun!!! Wish I was there with him to help him celebrate it but maybe soon!!!..Keeping my dreams of that in my mind!!! I know they will come true I just gotta believe!!! Anyways...Enjoy the picture of this adorably, sexy and sinful man!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!..P.S. the Peoples Choice awards are on Wed and the Golden Globes are on the 12th!!! Will be watching both of them!!!!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Jeremy in a Tux!!
Good Morning!!!! Well for the next 12 minutes that is!!! Happy lady this morning!!! New pictures of my man Jeremy!!! First new pics of the new year and damn the man looks fine in a Tux!!! Looking amazingly sexy and not even trying!!!! Love that it is a simple black tux with no cumber bund!!! I like this look for him...Course I like him in whatever he wears....Much prefer him in jeans and a t-shirt than all dressed up...but that's just me!!! course if I had my way then he would be naked and in my bed so that I can have my wicked way with him...but that's neither here nor there...My own little fantasy world!!!.. Looking forward to the People's Choice Awards this coming Wed night...First awards show of the year and I am hoping that the shows and people I want to win do win...I voted like I try to do every year....Keeping my fingers crossed...And lets not forget that Jeremy turns 43 on Tuesday!!! So I will be wishing him a Happy Birthday that day!!! Gotta do my part in helping him have a great day!!! *big smile*.... Anyways....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Busy day
Good Morning!!!! So far it is a great morning!!! Was able to sleep in and then enjoy my cup of coffee this morning!!! Getting ready to go shopping and run errands this morning then have to do some research this afternoon before I can rest and relax for the weekend....Busy lady today!!! that will be my life for a while now anyways....I am still on winter break for the next few weeks and I am going to enjoy it too....Want to look for some new ideas for decorating my room and updating the look of it too....would like to ask the property manager if we can paint.....Have to wait on that for a while though....Now as for the photo of Jeremy today!!! He looks nice and relaxed at the bar and I would so love to join him....Not sure if this is one of the places that he helped to renovate or not but if it is it's a nice place...Hell he can come and redo my house for me anytime!!! 8big smile*...Not saying that he would be leaving if he did....*chuckling and smiling*...Hey a lady can dream can't she...Anyways...enjoy the picture!!!! I know I will...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Friday, January 3, 2014
Good Morning!!!! Morning is good so far with the exception of the fact that my father keeps antagonizing my cat and then gets ticked off because she bites him...Not my fault if she bites him....anyways....Okay found this picture on Tumblr a few days ago and had to post it to my blog today...It shows Jeremy from the time he was a child all the way through adulthood....How effing adorable is he when he was little!!! *awwww*....He's still adorable to me!!! got bored yesterday and watched a bunch of videos on Youtube that fans had made and found some really great ones....I need to find them again and use them on here....As for my rant the other day about the message boards on IMDb, well, still going to rant....I am going to say it again....Leave the man alone....He is only human and if he chooses to be with someone who is half his age then so be it....He doesn't belong to you, nor does he belong to her....He is own man and can do what he wants with his life....Please, people...the man is still single and is still fair game to those of us out there...Until I see a wedding ring on his finger I am going to continue to look at him and go after him....but trust me people...When I do finally win the man....Do you honestly think that I will post it here....HELL NO!!!!! I am like him in that way....My private life is just that....PRIVATE!!!!! If ya'll don't like that then piss off!!! anyways.....enough of that....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Everybody Loves Me!!
Good Evening!!! Just had to post this video tonight...Love the song and the man in the video...This is Everybody Loves me by One Republic....Fan video on youtube....My friend Zoe sent it to me so I had to go and find it so that I could post it on my blog!!! Enjoy people!!! I have already watched it 4 times!!!! *big cheshire cat grin* Laters....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Good Morning!! So far the morning is turning out semi okay!!! Been up since & am and I am so not liking it at all..But I am going into the college with my mom this morning to get some things done at the school for her while she is in class...Maybe this way I'll be able to work on my screenplay for a bit....My main character, JAX, is arguing with me again....*shaking my head and laughing*...Out of all my characters he is the worst...Talk about a pain in the arse....Yup, he's my creation and for some odd reason I love the going to take his cue and try and write today....We shall see how it goes.....Oh and did I mention that this certain character looks like Jeremy!!! Well he does because that is who I see playing JAX.....At least I hope that he will do the role....It's a dream, but hopefully it will become a reality soon....We shall see....Anyways....One more thing...IMDb message boards are really pissing me off....They are starting in on the fact that Jeremy is still with the much younger woman he has a child with....You know what....It's none of our business who he is with and why....He is an adult and can do whatever he wants to do with his life....This is a new year and somethings may be changing in his life and if they do we may or may not find out about them....As for this person he is with, she isn't his wife nor his girlfriend.....she is the mother of his child and that is all....He is still single, and until he has a ring on his left hand, that means he is still fair game back off....Leave the man alone for gods sake....Anyways....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year
Good Morning!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! A new year and a whole new outlook on life for me!!! I am getting ready to enter my second semester at AAU and it's going to be a interesting few months for me...I am also looking for a part time job so that is going be added pressure for me too...But I will make it through it and be just fine!! I decided to post a video today of a song that means a lot to me...Do you Want to Make a Memory by Bon Jovi is a great song....Each time I hear it I think back to when I was younger and there were only a few things that I wanted to make a memory of...Well if I could have my wish then I would love to make memories with Jeremy now....So if you are reading this blog post Jeremy, know that I still want to get to know you and see where things take us...You are a part of my journey and I would love to make some good memories with you....So whenever you are ready I know you will seek me out....Until then, 2014 is going to be about me and my dreams of becoming a director....Not going to focus too much on the request I have been making....Anyways!!!...Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!!
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