Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Rant for the day!!!!

Good Morning!!! I know it's been a while since my last post but it has been a crazy busy few weeks....School and work are both keeping me busy...Now I am having issues with my wrist again...My CTS is acting up again and it has caused me to wear my brace for the time being...So that makes it difficult to do anything...Been really busy working on my short film script that I have created for my Introduction to Producing Class this semester....It's coming along rather nicely, but I do have some things that need to be worked on  so I'll be doing that tonight while watching TV....It's been a sad few days here though. I got home from work earlier this week and was checking my face book page when I noticed all these postings that said Pray for France....I had no idea what had happened until my dad told me....To think that this beautiful and wonderful city was attacked by Terrorists....So many innocent lives lost because of this evil group of people....I just cannot believe that this happened....It's horrible...And now most of the European countries have closed their borders to the refugees....Well I say Good for them.....I also have been hearing that so far 17+ states here in America have closed their borders to the refugees also....I hope all 50 states join this movement....I know I may get some flack for saying this but it's the truth...Our so called Idiotic Jackass of a President is wanting to allow over 10 thousand Syrian Refugees into this country...Now people I understand that these are woman and children but they can be terrorists too....Our President needs to stand up for America and tell these people that they can't come into this country...Because quite frankly, look at what happened over in Paris, France....This could happen and probably will happen here in America too....Truth be told I think we as a Nation and as Americans need to beg Congress to IMPEACH the President of the United States and do it before anymore evil comes into this country...He has done nothing good for this country since his term of evil began almost 8 years ago....I for one am very glad that we have an election coming up next year....Maybe we will get someone in the office who will finally get this country back where it should be....If something like what happened in Paris happens here on American soil we know who to blame for it happening.....That's right, the Jackass that is sitting in the White House right now....He'll be to blame if we are attacked because he allowed those refugees into our country without a second thought to the safety of the American People.....anyways...enough of my rant....Sorry about that it's just that I hate it when evil is winning.....And it looks as if it is winning lately....Anyways...Just want to send lots of love to you Jeremy.....Stay safe wherever you are babe.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out.