Saturday, August 31, 2013

27 years...

Good Morning!!! Not a good day for me today...Really need to have something to make me smile...So am going to watch JR movies in a bit...Today is never a good day..The date that is...It's been 27 years today that I lost my best friend and brother...His name was Troy and he was my big brother...I still miss him and guess it will always be like that..He was my best friend too...I could tell him anything and he would never tell anyone...So I am going to watch movies in a bit and try to smile and laugh...I'm going to watch ICE AGE: Continental Drift...haven't seen this movie yet but have heard that its funny...Then I think I'll watch The Avengers...Gotta love Hawkeye...Hey he was a badass in the start and then after he got waylaid by Natasha and got his memory back he was even better...Maybe if I got enough time I'll watch Monkey Love again...I do love Dil...Plus Jeremy always makes me smile when I watch this movie...So that's what I am going to try and do today...gotta try and forget a bit of what today is...only way I can get through the day sometimes...Anyways...Until Later

Friday, August 30, 2013

Signed Sealed Delivered!!!

Good Morning!!! A bit late but had some things to do before I could get on here..MAde homemade dark chocolate browines with walnuts, reeces pieces and mini chocolate chips..yummy!!! Okay I just have to say something before I get to the photo my man..I didn't see the VMA's but I have seen pictures and video's of Miley Cyrus's performance..And I have to agree with everyone that has seen it..Talk about TRASHY!!!..OMG...This girl if you can call her that, needs to grow up and act her age not her flipping shoe size...She looks like a whore when she is gyrating around Robin Thicke and rubbing up against him...This is a person who is supposed to be a role model for our young girls now a days...I don't think so...I know that if I had a daughter she would be allowed to watch or listen to Miley...Okay enough of that rant...My photo today is a collage I created about a week or so ago...I love the saying Signed, Sealed and Delivered...Yes, please!!! If this man were to show up on my doorstep all tied up with a bow I would be a very happy woman...Hey what can I say I adore this man to pieces and would do everything to to prove to him that I truely love him for him and not for anything else...He's perfect the way he is and I know that I would never want to change him in any way...well maybe one thing...His smoking...But I could work on that...*big snarky grin*...Anyways...Until Later..

Thursday, August 29, 2013

JR pouring drinks

Good Morning!!! Not to early this morning..but I had to do a few things for one of our cast members this morning...Okay now onto this mornings photo...Love this picture!! What woman wouldn't want this sexy, gorgeous, amazing, incredibly delicious man making them a drink...I don't drink and I would love for him to serve me or make a drink..Just so that I could give him one hell of a tip!!! *grinning from ear to ear*...The man is sexy as sin in this picture..At least to me he is...You know what would make a happy camper??..I would love for him to come to my hometown and see the play that I am helping out with...I think it would make him smile and laugh and be able to just have a good time and be himself...So Jeremy...If you ever read my blog I am extending you an invite to come see "And Then There Were None" in October...Opening day is October 10th and we run every weekend in October...Post a comment if you would like the information of where we are located...Anyways...Until Later...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Inspirations!!

Good Morning!!! I know a bit late but had to finish up the Orientation for AAU this morning..Now I know what I am going to getting myself into on a daily basis..*rolls eyes and laughs*...Last night was a blast...We did our first blocking of the scenes for the play and it went well...I actually got the chance to practice some of the stuff that Melissa went over with me on Monday night...Which was a big help...So now I just need to go over the notes that I took last night and write them to where everyone can read them...But this is a journey that I am going to enjoy...Now onto the photo above...I love this photo for two reasons...One it has Katherine Bigelow in it...She is one of the reasons I am pursuing my dream of becoming a director....It was her movie The Hurt Locker that got me to thinking about what I really want in life...And the other is the fact that Jeremy is in it with her...He looks really good too...This was taken a few months ago and you can tell he was a bit tired but he was looking better everyday..And I love any photo with Jeremy in it anyways...This is one of the pictures I am going to hang in my workspace to give me inspiration for the coming school year...Anyways..Until Later...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Assistant Director Jobs!!

Good Evening!!! Just thought that I would post before headed off to play practice..I learned last night what all my job as Assistant Director entails...Lets just say WOW!! I have to make sure all the actors are there on time, if they aren't I have to call them, I have to write the directions on my script so that if they Directors ask something I can tell them what it is, Keeping the Actors in line, doing a clean up, getting their and turning on the lights, and the list goes on..Hey I'm not complaining, just alot that needs to be done...I'll get it down..Now as for the picture..A photo collage that i made a few days ago...Yes, Jeremy is my Knight in Shining Armour..He is everything that I look for in a man...So the saying is fitting to say the least..Anyways..Until LAter..

My Rant for Today..

Good Morning!!! Okay Imdb message board has ticked me off again...The thread this time is In Honour of Hemi..okay the thing was to name 3 dog or cat breeds that reflect you...Well I am more of a cat person so I chose the three cat breeds that reflect me as a I get a nasty replay back from UncannyValleyGirl saying that if I want4ed to post my cat fetish then I should open my own thread so I replied that the post said dog or cat breeds...and this was her reply to me..yessss: i saw that after lkulb04 corrected me. hopefully you have something else to do today. I should be able to pick what animal breed that fits me: right now its Alligator: one that jumps out of the everglades upon a stupid de-clawed housecat that wandered outside from its frau-trap to the shore of the glade to see if its related to the catfish species. because housecats are stupid and now there's one less methane producer in the world. Your TV soaps are on.... Okay number one B**** I do not watch soap operas...they are stupid and boring..but I bet you watch them...You probably sit your lazy A** at home all day eating chocolates and watching them because you don't have a life outside of for you being an alligator...yeah you probably look like one too..and for your information House cats as you refer to them are actually smarter than humans...So why don't you just shut your effing pie hole and stick to your soap operas... Okay sorry for the rant..but come on...this thread is for Hemi and for JR...I am just thankful that he is home and back with Jeremy...So if this little prissy girl has a problem with what I posted then she needs to get a flipping life...Anyways...Until Later

Monday, August 26, 2013

Conquering my Fear

[on fear] That emotion even conquers love, and that makes me sad. [on having spent eight years trying to analyze the roots of his own fear(s)] Finding out what I was afraid of, what stops you in your life, what gets in the way. Fear is just not a part of my life - so much so that if it's involved in somebody else's life and they're close to me, I won't be around them. Okay I took this quote straight from ImDb website..It's one of Jeremy's quotes and it is one that I tend to take to heart..Whenever I feel scared of have something that I am fearful of I just look at what Jeremy says about fear..Then I feel less afraid..This is quote is something that I will be using quite a bit when I am in my film classes...So thank you Jeremy for giving me the courage to face my fears and to pursue my dreams..Anyways..Until Later

How I love Jeremy

Good Afternoon!!! I know I am really late in posting but had to attend an online orientation this morning for my new school..classes start on September 5th and boy do I need to get a few things done before I start those classes..I am hoping that a friend of mine will work with me on payment for the new tower I need for my computer so that I can download everything that I need for my classes...This is one terrifying and exciting adventure...Okay the saying at the top says it all of how I feel towards Jeremy!!..I love the picture of him too..He looks so forlorn and longing...So sexy to me...Love this man to pieces...Anyways..I gotta jet for now...May have to post more later...Until later..

Sunday, August 25, 2013

In Need of a JR fix!!!

Good Afternoon!!! It may as well be since I am late in posting..Sorry but it's Sunday and that's cleaning day here at my house...I have a production meeting this afternoon for the play that I am helping with and I am looking forward to it..It's also a dinner for the cast and crew and their families so that we can get to know each other..Should be fun...As for today's picture...What can I say...I do love JR as Brian Gamble...I can't help it...I love the bad boy image...I didn't get a chance to watch any movies yesterday and I really do need a JR fix..May have to pop in my The Unusuals DVD just so I can get that fix...All the movies I have are all pretty long...But I do need a Jeremy fix...Just to make it through the day...Sad huh?? Not really, at least not for me...Since I tend to think about him alot...I have a busy day tomorrow too, so probably won't get to watch JR tomorrow either...I have Orientation for my school tomorrow morning...It's online and there is alot to learn about the school...Looking forward to it too..Then the actual rehearsals for the play start tomorrow night at 6 pm...So it's going to be a late night...But that's okay...I am going to be doing something that I love to do...Anyways...Until Later...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jeremy and Penguin friend!!

Good Morning!!! So far it is a great morning!!! My summer school is over and the best news of all is that Jeremy got Hemi back!! I know I posted that yesterday but I am sooooooo damn glad that he is home and he is safe and doing well...This makes me happy!!! Now as for this photo of my Jeremy!! Love it!! He looks so happy and relaxed in this photo...This was a taken a few weeks ago at the aquarium in Atlanta...Jeremy looks soooo damn adorable and sexy as sin too...Getting really used to the facial scruff...I saw keep it...This woman finds it sexy!!! *purrrr*...Love it that he was able to get away for a while from the set and enjoy himself for a bit..He needs to learn to relax and stop taking life so seriously...Anyways!! Until later!!!...May have to watch The Avengers later if I get the chance...Love seeing him in that tight costume!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Hemi, FOUND!!!!

Good Morning all!!! As you can see this is a great news kind of day!!! According to the flyer pictured above, HEMI has been found!!! Thank the Goddess that he is back with Jeremy..This made me smile and do a happy dance this morning..No person should have to worry about their little furry children...Now all I have to say is Jeremy, babe, get both Hemi and Bentley microchipped..This is very important to do..This way if they ever get out again it will be easier to get them back..I will be getting my sweet Pixie cat microchipped next month...I worry about her all the time and wouldn't want anything to happen to her..So please, Jeremy get those sweet babies of yours microchipped..Thankfully Hemi was found...Hopefully all is well and good with him now that he is back with the family.... Anyways...Until Later..

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Avengers Assemble!!

Good Morning!!! Had an interesting night last night at the final auditions..IT went well although I didn't get a chance to see the audtions..the directors that I am shadowing wanted me to do crowd control so no biggie..Got to learn about the people in the play and how nice everyone is..The rehearsals officially begin on Monday the 26th..So I am going to be a very busy woman these next few weeks..I have the play beginning next monday and then the following week I start school..Welcome to the life of a busy director!!! Well in my case future director!!.. Okay I just couldn't resist this photo of the cast of The Avengers...I just love it!!! I mean especially Jeremy and Robert!! How adorable do they look...and how much of goofball is RDJ!! You know this cast had to have had alot of fun together...There was a lot of chemistry with this cast..I am only hoping that the cast for the play I am helping with will have good chemistry too...That's all I want...Great cast and a great show..Anyways..Okay I gotta say it...I LOVE JEREMY!!!!! there I feel better now!!! *big cheshire cat grin*...Until Later

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

JR in American Hustle

Good Morning!! I am early again...I know it's a record for me..LOL!! But the onlything I have to finish is my geology..I'll be working on that in a few minutes..First off let me say that last night's auditions for the play went well and I cannot wait to see who is chosen for the parts..We have call backs tonight and then there are some big choices to make..It's going to be interesting to see who gets what part...Anyways..The picture above is from American Hustle..This was when Jeremy was filming it...I have to say he looks quite comical...I know I shouldn't laugh at my man but come on the hair and the clothes are just too funny...I am however looking forward to seeing this movie though...Any movie that Jeremy is in I will go and see...I got bored the other day and watched Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters again...I desperately needed a JR fix..So I watched it before I went the auditions the first night..So I am making plans to hopefully go to Comic Con next year in San Diego...I really want to attend and am doing everything in my power to go...So wish me luck..Anyways..Until Later.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Journey Begins

Good Morning!! I'm on time today!!! My morning has been eventful..I had to take the car down to have the oil changed...always fun..NOT!!..Went and had breakfast with my mom and then walked around for a while waiting for the car...Last night was a blast..The auditions started for the play that I am Assistant Director for...We had an amazing turnout!!! Got to see what all is going to be involved for me or a bit of what is going to be involved..So my journey has begun and it's going to be an interesting and kind of scary ride..But I am up for the challenge...*big grin*...Now on to the photo for today..That is me in the small frame in the collage...This is who I am on my way to becoming...Someday I will work with this amazing man in the collage with me..So wish me luck..I do love Jeremy and want to work with him and get to know him as a person...I know that sounds crazy..but it's true..Anyways..Until Later...Look out world cause her comes Flame!!!*laughing and dancing around*

Monday, August 19, 2013


Good Morning!! I'm early today!! YAY!!!! No more history lectures!!! Finished History last week and now I just have to worry about Geology...Going to the library this afternoon to work on my term project with a friend of mine...So hopefully I can get it done...Have to have it turned in my friday..The play auditions start tonight and I cannot wait..Going to be interesting and fun to see how things go..Anyways..Onto JR!! My favorite topic..*big smile*..For once ImDb message boards aren't making me mad...That's a good thing...In fact I have been taking time to post on the one called Reality Show...They got to talking about Dahmer...and I have the movie and have watched it and to be brutally honest...It was CREEPY!!! It was hard for me to watch Jeremy in this movie..but I did and I was impressed..He drags you in and you can't help but watch and see how well he does the part...He makes you believe that he is Jeffery Dahmer...Now I remember this case and what this man did to these boys...I also remember hearing that he had been killed in prison...But this movie is not what you would expect...It actually makes Dahmer more human..It shows what happened to him to make him the way he was...But JR's performance as Dahmer was excellent...This is the role of his that Katherine Bigelow saw that got him the part in The Hurt Locker..This movie proves to anyone who doubts Jeremy's acting ability that he can act..So if you haven't seen the movie in question then go and rent it or buy it and watch it...You Will Be Impressed!! Anyways..Until Later...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

JR interview still

Good Afternoon!!! Sorry so late in posting but had a few things to do for AAU before I start classes on September 5th!!.. I have this week left of summer school then I have a few weeks to rest before I start up again...Although tomorrow night the auditions for the play starts and I have to be there since I am officially the Assistant Director!!! I'm getting my feet wet before I even start!! *jumps up and yells*...As for todays phot well it's actually a still from an interview that JR did a while back before The Hurt Locker came out...He looked so chilled out and relaxed...Kind of what he looks like now since he started filming Kill the Messenger...I have to say that the recent photos I have seen of him he does look more like the old Jeremy again...Still loving the facial scruff too...Makes him look sexy and mysterious!!! Normally I would go ewwww...cause I don't like facial hair...but on him I like it...course I just love him and will take him any way I can get him...*big grin*..Hopefully I will someday get to meet the man and work with him...So wish me luck on my journey to becoming a director...I'll end by saying Watch out Jeremy cause here I come!!! Anyways...Until Later..

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Journey begins!!

Good Morning!!! I'm early for once this week!! LOL!! Well it is official..As of this week I am now a student at Academy of Art University in CA...Well in the online program that is!! My classes start on September 5th and I am so flipping scared yet excited too...But I have the no fear attitude and I will make it through this program and become the director that I am meant to be...I am ready for this but the question is, Is the World ready for me?? Actually is Jeremy ready for me!! Look out Jeremy...You ain't gonna know what hit ya!!! *snarky grin and laugh*...As for the photo today...A friend of mine created it on Pizap...So thank you Zoe!!! Love all the pics in this collage...Course I love any photo of JR...He's sexy to me in whatever type of picture he is in..Anyways..Until Later...Keep Looking Up Cause That's Where It All Is!!!(thanks Kidd)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Rant for today!!



Good Morning!! I know I'm late but had one last thing to do for History this morning... Had an essay to write and it turned into a 7 page essay..hope my professor has fun reading it...Anyways...Okay saw a recent photo of Jeremy on facebook this morning that had him sitting next to SP...Talk about a bad move on her part...She needs to stay home and not visit Jeremy on set...He is much happier without her there and needs to be able to focus on his work and not on her...Besides why does she keep hanging around...I didn't think they were still an item...In fact I keep reading that they are no longer together and the word is she is an EX!!!! So besides the baby, which I don't think is his..sorry it looks nothing like Jeremy..seriously, Jeremy...ask for a DNA test...Sorry I gotta say it...everyone is thinking it anyways babe...What the heck is keeping him with her...Jeremy, you can do so much better...You are such a sweet man and you need someone who will make you shine and not take the spotlight from you..That's what SP is doing..She is taking the spotlight off of you and turning it onto her...Anyways...I've ranted enough...Until Later...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Jeremy in The Bourne Legacy!!

Good Morning!!! On time for once this week...I listened to my last history lecture today..Now for tomorrow I have to write a 4 to 5 page essay for the final in history..Shouldn't take me too long..I still have a few more things to do in Geology in order to get finished with that class...I will be so glad when it is over too..I've had enough of this class..Anyways..Onto the picture of JR today...I think this picture is so amazing...It's from The Bourne Legacy which to me is by far the best movie I have ever seen him do...Love the fact that he did pretty much his own stunts and that he in doing so proves that he is more than just an actor...Yes he was hurt and he even said that in several interviews...but that didn't stop him from doing the stunts...Makes me respect him even more as an actor..He is willing to risk it all for a role...Good for him...I am looking forward to seeing his new movies that will be coming out soon...I recently saw the trailer for American Hustle and cannot wait to see it...It looks like its going to be amazing...Course anything that Jeremy is in is amazing...Then of course there is The Immigrant...I am so hoping that it is released up here where I live...I don't think I could wait to see it if it is released on DVD...Anyways...Yes I need a JR fix..May have to put in a movie later this afternoon..Anyways...Until later..Gotta get ready to register for classes...Laters..

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Good Afternoon!!! Okay now this is the original picture I wanted to post earlier but my computer was being a but!!!..LOL!! I love this photo collage of JR...It says it all..He is Devilish in every way too...I adore this man and to me he is completely and utterly devilishly delightful...Would love to find out how devilish he could be?? *snarky grin*..Anyways...Until Later..enjoy!!

Oh My!!!

Good Afternoon!!! I know I'm late in posting but had a few things that I needed to do today before posting...thought that my dreams of becoming a director had to be put on hold but thankfully they aren't going to have to be put on I will be registering tomorrow afternoon and then on September 5th I will be starting that long and wonderful journey to becoming a director..*big smile*.. Okay now for the picture above...Can I just say WOW!!! The man looks sinful in this photo collage from a magazing shoot he did a few years ago...My fave has to be the lower right hand corner photo..Need you ask why...LOL!!! Hello the man has a very fine body and plus I do have a belly button fetish...oh the things I could do to this man if he would only let me....*wicked laugh*...I know..Naughty thoughts need to be kept to myself and that's where they will be..I can dream can't I..Anyways...Until Later...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jeremy and his Mom

Good Morning!!! I'm a bit early this morning but that is okay..I love this picture of JR with his mom...You can tell he loves his mom too...And honestly any man that loves his mom and treats her with respect will know how to treat his lady too...So you know that when and if JR gets married the woman will be treated like a queen...Any woman he dates will be treated the same way too....and he'll also respect her privacy and if she doesn't want to be in the spotlight then he won't make her be there...But if the woman really loves JR then she will be wherever he is and show him her support and she will also be the type of woman that will keep their private lives private...You tell alot about a man by the way he treats his mother...And Jeremy treats his mother with love and respect...Anyways...Until Later

Monday, August 12, 2013

All I Have To Give

Good Evening!!! Okay I know second post for the day..WOW!! haven't done that in a while..but got to thinking aboutthis great song by my favorite group The Backstreet Boys...yeah yeah yeah..I know I'm an adult woman and shuld havemore mature tastes in music, but I've been a fan of theirs since they began..All I Have To Give is a great song and the video is cute too...But it's the lyrics ya need to listen to...So Jeremy, if you are reading these posts and following my blog listen to the words...My Love Is All I Have To Give To You!!! You have it and my heart...Anyways..Until Later..and as Kidd Kraddick would always say...Keep Looking Up Cause That's Where It All Is!!!!

Little Rant for Today!!

Good Morning!!! Okay this is a recent picture of Jeremy and I am loving all that scruff on his face...never liked facial hair but on him it is a total turn on...*snarky cheshire grin*....But that isn't what I want to talk about today...ImDb message board is really starting to get on my nerves...This new thread is telling a girl who tweets things about Jeremy to stop tattling on their threads...Please, get a life Yeahwrite!!!! There is a freedom of speech and I do believe you touted it in your post to this board, in fact you are the one that started it...Anyone can talk about Jeremy and you can't say a damn thing about it...You can't tell them to stop talking about and "reporting" things to him...You don't know a damn thing about the man either..only what you read...I for one do not care about his personal life or who he is dating or not dating as the case may be...I try to keep my blog up beat and fun so that just in case he ever does check he will be able to see that someone actually cares about him as a person and not a piece of meat like most of you on the ImDb message boards...There are only a few on these boards that I know who actually care about him and I can tell you right now Yeahwrite, you are not one of them...You only care that he is famous and that he has done somethings wrong in his like and you want to tear him down about those things...It's people like you that I do not like...He is human and makes mistakes...As for the other people who want to tweet about him and say things about you or your stupid posts on the message boards then they can do that...It's a free country and freedom of speech is one of our rights in this country of ours...So get off your high horse and get a flipping life...You don't own the rights to what people can or cannot say about Jeremy...So go blow off!!!! Anyways, enough of my rant...Sorry but things like this get to me..I mean Jeremy is only human and he deserves the respect of his fans and that he has a right to his privacy...I adore and love the man and I can respect him and let him have his privacy....Anyways...Until Later...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Steel Bars

Good Morning!!! Sorry so late in posting but had to clean house as always on Sundays!! *grumbles*...Wish someone would invent the automatically cleaning house...Not likely huh??..LOL!!..Okay onto this picture...I loved the movie The  Town...It was one of the best movies I've seen in along time...Loved Jem (Jim)..Of course I would since it is Jeremy!!! I want the T-shirt he is wearing...Is that sad or what??..Course I would rather have the man wearing the shirt but that's coming someday...No I'm not cocky, just self assured...I believe in destiny...but I digress...I some lyrics by Michael Bolton that I think describes what's on my mind when I think of Jeremy...The lyrics are from Steel Bars...
In the night I hear you speak
Turn around, you're in my sleep, yea
Feel your hands inside my soul
You're holding on and you won't let go, yea
I've tried runnin' but there's no escape
Can't bend them and I just can't break these
Steel bars wrapped all around me
I've been your prisoner since the day you found me
I'm bound forever, till the end of time
Steel bars wrapped around this heart of mine
I would never want to break the steel bars that Jeremy has wrapped around my heart...I am a willing prisoner of his and will continue to be so until the end of time...I adore the man and cannot wait to work with him in the future...So look out Jeremy cause this future director is gonna take you for the ride of your life..Bank on in babe!!!...*snarky grin*...Anyways...Until Later...

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Good Morning!!! I think the saying says it all as to how I feel right now...I am a bit discouraged right now but I'm not going to give up on things that I want..So thank you Jeremy...this just reminds me what I have to do in order to achieve my dreams..I'm just frustrated with summer classes right now and so ready for it to be over with so that I can enjoy some peace and quiet during the days without homework to do...I just want to work on my story and finish it and then take some time and work on my I have the assistant directors position that I will be doing during the little theater play And Then There Was None....Looking forward to that too...*smile*...Plus I want to take time and watch as many of Jeremy's movies as I can during my time off before classes begin in the fall...My journey to becoming a director is going to be an exciting and challenging journey...But it is one that I am looking forward to....So to all you actors and actresses out there beware and be on the look out for Flame Deveareaux...I'll be out there soon enough and maybe working with you...*big grin*...Anyways...Until Later...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Gamble on Gamble

Good Morning!!! Okay so shoot me...I watched S.W.A.T yet again last night on AMC...I so needed a JR fix and I got it too..I love this movie...I know I should really lay off this movie but every time it is on I have to watch it...i mean come on people...Not only is this adorable, sexy, mischevious man in it but so is Colin Farrell...How can you pass that combo up...Me, I would love to see these two in another movie together...Hmmm...wonder if I could convice them both to do the script that I am writing...Although JR would be the good guy and Colin would be the bad guy...My movie, my rules...*innocent smile*...Hey a girl can dream...Course then I have to work out who the leading lady would be...I would never cast myself..I want to be a director not an actress...Don't get me wrong, I am a damn good actress but I want to be behind the scenes...I like to give orders...As my mother says, I don't play well with others...*cheshire cat grin*...Anyways...Until later...Have to go up to the school and print out a few things for next week...Last history lecture and then that class is done...Then I can concentrate on my geology...Keep looking Up Cause That's Where It All Is..(thanks kidd)...Laters...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Put Your Heart into It

Good Morning!! Don't have anything left in history to dothis morning..I'll take the test tomorrow then I can start on the following weeks lectures...Want to get a leg up on next week..Anyways...I love this song by Sherie Austin...Anytime I hear it on my ipod I have to sing along...I know the words sad is that?...This is a song I would sing in karoke, if I did that , to JR...If you're gonna love me put your heart into it...I think this is what he needs to say to women when he meets them too...I know I would put my heart into loving him...Heck I already do...And someday I may actually get to work with this adorable, gorgeous, talented, handsome, sexy, charming, intelligent and funny man...My journey to become a Director is starting soon and before ya know it I'll be living my dream and making it big...but I get off the subject of the video...I guess the lesson in this song is if you want to love someone then do them a favor and put your whole heart into it...Anyways...Until Later

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Good Afternoon!! Okay thought that I would take a bit of time before leaving my study group to post...And I thought I was obsessed with JR...I'm not compared to this person...
I think this girl takes the cake on being obsessed with JR...LOL!!! Anyways..Keep Looking up cause that's where it all ya Kidd!! Until later

Jeremy in Brother Sal video

Good Morning!!! I'm early this morning so its all good...I have one thing to do in History then this week is done..Although I think I am going to go ahead and start the final week...this way I have that class done and can focus on Geology..
Anyways..onto todays video..I was actually wanting to post Stuck in the Middle With You by Brother Sal...It has Jeremy in it singing with the group..the man can sing that's for sure...But couldn't seem to find it...So instead I am posting another one of the videos by Brother Sal...Yes that is JR you see holding the guitar and playing it...He looks so damn adorable as a bum...LOL!!!..Now if I could somehow get him to put out a CD of his own...I would so love to just sit and listen to him sing...I love his voice...It's sultry and least it is to me anyways...But anyways...enjoy this little glimpse of JR in the video....Until Later...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Jeremy's speech for Scarlett

Good Morning!!! I'm early for once!!! LOL!!...Hey the history lecture was actually interesting today...Although had to watch a disturbing video yesterday and write up an essay for the writing assignment...It was The Trail of Tears..I won't go into detail on how I felt but lets just say I was outraged and understand how those men, women and children felt...But enough about that..Onto today's video...*big smile*...I love this little speech that Jeremy gave at Scarlett's Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony...You can tell he was having a good time with it...His words and his laughter were wonderful and just the expressions on his face as he spoke about Scarlett...This speech made me laugh and well fall even more in love with him...This is the man that Jeremy truely is..He's funny, loving, wild and speaks from the heart..This is the man that is finally returning and I think its wonderful to finally see him returning to how he should be...He is happy again and well that's a good thing..Now, Jeremy, just stay this way..Anyways...Keep Looking Up Cause that's where it all is!!! (Love you Kidd Kraddick, you will be missed)...Until Later..

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hawkeye Comic!!

Good Evening!!!! Okay went out to Hastings this afternoon to get a coffee..Iced English Toffee Americano with cream..Thank you JR for getting me addicted to Americano's...*shakes head and laughs*..Well I went browsing around and found a few books that I do need to pick up in the a few weeks...Then I decided to go over to the Comics section...Well a few weeks ago I bought the Avengers Assemble comic with Hawkeye on the cover and now I discover that there are actually a few comics with him in them...One is Hawkeye and Mockingbird..and then one just called Hawkeye!!! Okay a solo comic with my fave character...*big smile*...So yes,  bought it...Hey the character on the cover did look like JR!! So I now have the three comics up with the rest of my Hawkeye collection...Anyways...Until Later...

Brighter than the Sun

Good Morning!!! Had a history video to watch and a writing assignment to do before I could get on here this I am a little late in posting..Okay I love this picture of Jeremy!!! I may have posted it before but had to post it again...He looks so damn good..Good enough to eat!!! *snarky cheshire grin*..This picture and that beautiful smile of his reminds me of one of my fave songs by Colbie Caillat called Brighter than the Sun...You be the judge..
Brighter Than The Sun"
Stop me on the corner
I swear you hit me like a vision
I, I, I wasn't expecting
But who am I to tell fate where it's supposed to go with it
Don't you blink you might miss it
See we got a right to just love it or leave it
You find it and keep it
Cause it ain't every day you get the chance to say

Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun

I've never seen it, I found this love, I'm gonna feed it
You better believe, I'm gonna treat it better than anything I've ever had
Cause you're so damn beautiful
Read it, it's signed and delivered let's seal it
Boy we go together like peanuts and paydays and Marley and reggae
And everybody needs to get a chance to say

Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun

Everything is like a white out, cause we shika-shika a shine down
Even when the, when the light's out but I can see you glow
Got my head up in the rafters, got me happy ever after
Never felt this way before, ain't felt this way before

I swear you hit me like a vision
I, I, I wasn't expecting
But who am I to tell fate where it's supposed to go?

Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun, yeah
Oho, yeah, oho

Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky
Shining how we want, brighter than the sun, yeah
Brighter than the sun.
Brighter than the sun.
Brighter than the sun.
Oho, yeah, oho

Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart
It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
Everytime I hear this song I think of Jeremy and how I felt when I saw him for the first time...It hit me out of nowhere...So it hit me hard and I haven't regretted falling for this man since...How can I not love him...No matter how he looks or what he is doing...I know that I will adore him...Anyways...Until Later..

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Unusuals Pilot Episode

Good Morning!!! A bit late I know...but it's sunday and housework takes precedent over blogging...anyways...decided to post a full episode of Jeremy's tv series he was in back in 2009!! The Unusuals...I love this series and have watched it about 4 times..What can I say, it's funny!!This is actually the pilot episode so you are introduced to all the characters...I have to say I do love Walsh, not because it's Jeremy's character, but because he's kinda edgy in a way that sweet JR isn't...crazy huh??..It's really too bad that the show didn't last for more than 10 episodes...It was a really funny and good show...Plus this would have been a great way to see JR every week...*cheshire cat grin*...and I would have loved to see him every week...Anyways...enjoy this episode...Until Later..

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Good Morning everyone!!!..I'm actually a litttle early this morning and that's a good thing...I have so much on my plate today it ain't funny..Although I did get my history test taken this that's out of the way...still feeling sickly but getting better...antibiotic is starting to work and the coughing has calmed I am returning to normal again...whatever that may be..LOL!! Okay I ran across a saying this morning on facebook and couldn't resist in putting it up on my blog this morning...I think it says it all in how I look at people..especially the handsome man above...
Anybody can love your looks
But it's your heart and personality
that makes someone stay with you.
Jeremy definetely has it all in the looks department...but you know what??..that's not what got me about him...It's those beautiful green eyes...Those hooked me on this man...I love it that they are so expressive...Another thing that hooked me on him is his demeanor..He's easy going and enjoys life...He also prefers to keep his life outside of the movies, private...and to me that is sexy...He is a human being and deserves his privacy...He has a great personality and you can see it when he is more relaxed and having fun...He is just a big kid at heart...I love this about him...Now he is going through alot right now what with Hemi missing and I feel for him...I can only hope that Hemi is found and found soon...So Jeremy..If you read my blog at all...please know that I hope Hemi is found..I know how much he must mean to you...Anyways...Keep Looking Up Cause that's where it all is (gotta love Kidd Kraddick for this)...Until Later..

Friday, August 2, 2013

Good Afternoon!!!.Sorry so late in posting, but been feeling really sick lately and finally was able to get my medicine...So hopefully I will be feeling better soon enough...Anyways...I decided to post this PSA because it does have some meaning behind it...Got Your 6 is a saying that most men and women in the military say when they have got each others back...Well it has become something other people have been saying too..People in the Police and Fire departments are saying also...So I think this PSA says it all...It's a good message....Anyways...So far have seen nothing on whether or not Hemi has been found...I keep hoping that I hear good news and that he has been found and returned to Jeremy...Keep Looking Up, Cause that's where it all is!! Until later..

Thursday, August 1, 2013

American Hustle

Good Morning!!! Still not feeling very good..bad cough started last night and the sneezing started this morning...have gone through 2 and half boxes of kleenex since monday....really hate being sick!!!!!...Okay people here it is..The trailer for American Hustle...I watched it twice yesterday and I am so looking forward to seeing it...It looks like it will be a fantastic movie...Not just because Jeremy is in it, but because it actually looks like an interesting movie all in all..Although I do have to say that JR looks amazing, if not a little silly in that 70's get up...LOL!!!..Oh the things he does for his art!!!..So now I have two movies to look forward too...The Immigrant (keeping fingers crossed that it gets up to my neck of the woods) and American Hustle!!! I'll be able to get my JR fix in a big way this year at the theater!!...Anyways...Enjoy the trailer and keep looking up, cause that's where it all is..thank you Kidd Kraddick for that saying...Until Later..