Monday, August 19, 2013


Good Morning!! I'm early today!! YAY!!!! No more history lectures!!! Finished History last week and now I just have to worry about Geology...Going to the library this afternoon to work on my term project with a friend of mine...So hopefully I can get it done...Have to have it turned in my friday..The play auditions start tonight and I cannot wait..Going to be interesting and fun to see how things go..Anyways..Onto JR!! My favorite topic..*big smile*..For once ImDb message boards aren't making me mad...That's a good thing...In fact I have been taking time to post on the one called Reality Show...They got to talking about Dahmer...and I have the movie and have watched it and to be brutally honest...It was CREEPY!!! It was hard for me to watch Jeremy in this movie..but I did and I was impressed..He drags you in and you can't help but watch and see how well he does the part...He makes you believe that he is Jeffery Dahmer...Now I remember this case and what this man did to these boys...I also remember hearing that he had been killed in prison...But this movie is not what you would expect...It actually makes Dahmer more human..It shows what happened to him to make him the way he was...But JR's performance as Dahmer was excellent...This is the role of his that Katherine Bigelow saw that got him the part in The Hurt Locker..This movie proves to anyone who doubts Jeremy's acting ability that he can act..So if you haven't seen the movie in question then go and rent it or buy it and watch it...You Will Be Impressed!! Anyways..Until Later...

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