Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Shake it Off Jeremy!!! You Got This!!

Good Morning!!!! Well not really.....I'm feeling really irked at the moment...Like what's happening is just so sad and people are making it into a media circus and I can't get behind it....I know that doesn't make much sense to a lot of people but to some of the people it will....It does concern Jeremy and something that is going on with him at this moment....I refuse to discuss it other than I can only hope that if he reads this that he knows that at least someone does care about him and the fact that he might be hurting right now....He has a right to his personal and private life and that's all I am going to say on the matter....As for the two videos...One is Shake It Off by Taylor Swift....thought that in light of everything that is going on it sends out a good message to this sweet man...Ya gotta shake it off and let things play out....Keep your head up and stay who you are...You will get through this and come out of it stronger....The other video is Angel by Sarah McLaughlin....Why?? Just to let him know that we got him....To show him that people do care about him and just to let him know that he's being looked out for....This coming year is going to be hard and will get better....this I promise you....You got this, and I got you....Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Sending good energy your way....Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jeremy Renner, A True Gift to Social Media!!!

Good Morning!!! So far it's a pretty decent morning...It's cold and wintery outside so this makes me happy!!! Plus there's peace and quiet since my dad is gone for a little while!!! Still no news on my grades for this semester yet!! Really wish they would get the stuff graded and sent in to the school so I can see my grades!!! so far I have all A's and I really want to keep it that way!!! I have been working on my short film script and am going to work on it in a bit as soon as I am done blogging!!! Cannot believe that today is December 30th....Only one more day left in the year and it feels kind of strange to be saying goodbye to 2014 already....Where did this year go??? Hard to believe that in just 2 more days 2015 will be here and I don't know that I am ready for it....Guess I have to be...I have until January 26th before school starts back up again and I wish that it were sooner!!! I have got to find things that will keep me busy for the next few weeks....I do have a lot of things that I need to do on my to do list and that will probably take all of a week to do...*shrugs*...anyways....The photos for today are just a mish mash of ones that I have found to be wonderful!!! The top one is actually a colored photo that someone on Tumblr decided to turn black and white....I love it both ways....But I really love it as the Black and White!!! The last photo is a still from AOU!!! I gotta admit that this man does look FINE as WINE in it too!!! the look on his face and just the way he is standing!!! Ready to pounce and take action!!! As for the middle one...Well I saw it on tumblr and turns out that it was Jeremy's tweet one day....the man got bored and was looking himself up on google.....Now I ask you, how can you not love this adorable and goofy man???? If anyone were to ask me what my favorite thing of this past year was. Then my answer would have to be when Jeremy Renner joined the 21st century and joined social media!!! He is a wonderful gift to us all....His posts are fun and so him!!! The nice thing about his posts are they are real!!! He's being himself...And that's what I love about it...So to Jeremy I say this....Keep up the great posts and don't ever let life get you down....I know you may be going through some rough patches in the year to come, but know this....If ever you need to talk to someone who will listen and not tell you I told you so...Leave me a message on here and I'll be there to talk...I don't judge and never will...Nor will I ever discuss things that are private....Just a thought for you....Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!!...May the New Year bring lots of Love , Light and Blessings to you...Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New Year Early Jeremy!!!

Good Morning!!!! Pretty decent morning so far.....I got my Art History book all packed up and ready to ship back to Amazon to trade it off....It really was a waste of money because we never used the thing....Scooped snow off the driveway this morning after last nights snow fall....I do love the snow and the winter weather....Want more snow though....I know I'm weird....But I lived in Texas for 18 years of my life and missed the snow I used to see every year when I lived in Illinois....Now I get snow every winter and love it!!!! Okay not sure how many people read my blog from over the weekend but everything that was going on with the people on tumblr, especially with the Supernatural site, just got to me....I hate it when people think that it's okay to bully someone....It's never okay to do that....Lives were lost because of this....It saddens me that the people who drove these innocent lives to their breaking points can't be held responsible....This has got to stop....Okay enough of that....Just be wary and if someone is doing this to you or someone you know then step in and talk to that friend before he or she does something irreversible.....Anyways....Okay I got bored over Christmas and made two pizap collages....One is wishing everyone a Happy New Year and of course wishing Jeremy a Happy 44th Birthday...It's coming up in about 9 days....It's January 7th so this is a bit early....And the other one is just because next May it will be time for The Avengers: Age of Ultron!!!!! This is my homage to Hawkeye!!! He is my favorite character and I cannot wait to see what this movie has in store for this wonderful man!!! that being said....Just 2 more days left in this year and I can say that 2014 was a good year....I had my ups and downs like everyone does...My mom has been cancer free for a year and half and is doing great....I am so glad that she is still here with me and going along for the ride of my life....I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for me and where my life is going in the year to come....Things are looking up for me and hopefully even better I will have my short film script done and perfected so that I can start looking for contests to enter it in....Now that would be a great start to the new year wouldn't it!!! At least for me it would....Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Love, Light and Blessed Be.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Let's Stop Bullying!!!



Good Morning!!!! Normally I don't post on Saturdays but something has just upset the applecart so to speak....I was on tumblr earlier and saw that someone that I follow had posted something about Anon Hate....A form of bullying on tumblr....Well the group that is being bullied are the people on the Supernatural site.....If there is one thing that I cannot stand is seeing other people being bullied....I was bullied in school all my life....Back then it was seen as typical teasing and you didn't do anything about....I was picked on because I wasn't pretty enough (I had severe acne growing up), I was fat, didn't wear designer clothes, did sleep around and I was geek....But that didn't give the kids the right to make fun of me....I don't pick on other people....I was raised better than that....For someone to bully another person to the point where that person takes their own life is just appalling....To me that is in a way, murder..The bully is responsible for that persons death....To drive another person to killing themselves is wrong....Yet the bullies aren't held accountable for their actions....Something has got to change....I see news reports and articles about kids as young as 8 taking their own lives because of bullying....This tears me up...These kids had their whole lives ahead of them and something happened to them that made them want to end it all....I tried suicide 5 times when I was growing up.....But that was because I had lost someone very dear to me.....I'm alive because I had friends and family I could talk to.....These kids don't deserve to be bullied....The bullying has got to stop....According to a post on tumblr there has already been 1 death due to this bullying and a few more that are in the hospital and in comas...they aren't expected to make it.....My one question to the Bullies....DO YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE??? These people have lives and they have  families and friends who care about them....Because of your bullying and hate they have taken the one way out that they knew.....You alone are responsible for their deaths.....You drove them to this.....How could you do something so horrendous as to cause someone to take their life....Is your life that bad that you have to take it out on someone else or was this just for kicks because you thought to yourself that it would be fun to bully someone until they killed themselves....To those people who are bullies you are the most despicable creatures on the earth...Let's stop the bullying....No more innocent lives need to die because of it....If someone is bullying you and you need to talk, go to a teacher, your mom, your dad, brother, sister, friends, or even a police officer....Just talk to someone...Sincerely, Flame....

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve Jeremy!!!

Good Morning!!!! Merry Christmas Eve!!!! I know I didn't post yesterday but had so much to do and just didn't have the time to do everything...Still a some last minute Christmas items to pick up today then home to wrap them and put them under the tree for tomorrow....So as you can see I will be very busy today!!! Okay as for the video....Well it's from The Hurt Locker and it happens to be my favorite scene in the whole movie....See if you can guess why??? I think of all the movies that Jeremy has done this is one of my favorites....If I have to list the ones that I love of his it's easy enough to do:
1. Monkey Love
2. The Hurt Locker
4. 12 and Holding
5. The Avengers
6. Kill The Messenger
7. The Town
those seven movies are my favorites of Jeremy's....Monkey Love has to be my all time favorite....Why? Because he is adorably funny and sweet in this movie...He was quoted as saying that you would never see this face in a Romantic Comedy.....Well hate to say this Mr. Renner....But you already appeared in a Romantic Comedy!!!! That's what Monkey Love was....The Hurt Locker is the movie that set me on my path to becoming a director that and I really love the character of SSGT. William James....He's a tough guy but at heart he's a softie.....SWAT because, well I love Brian Gamble!!!! He's a bad boy and so HOT!!!!!....12 and Holding was an amazing movie and showed a softer side to Jeremy....Well The Avengers.....How can I not fall in love with the world's greatest archer Hawkeye!!!!....Kill The Messenger just makes me respect him more as an actor and a human being...It really is a fantastic movie!!!! And last but certainly not least....The Town....How can I forget about James "Jem" Coughlin......SEXY and Tough....A total bad ass from the word go....But so my type of man....Jeremy did a wonderful job in all these movies and I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for us with all the movies that he will have coming out....I know I am in suspense as to what is going to happen in Avengers: Age of Ultron.....Plus there is a rumor going around that we might even get to see Hawkeye on Agents of SHEILD.....Mind you that's just a rumor....No idea if this will happen or not....Have to wait and see what the future holds....I, myself, would love to see Jeremy guest star on AOS!!! It would be pretty great to see Agent Clint Barton and Director Phil Coulson reunite....I know a lot of other people would love to see it too....Guess we shall wait and see what is in store for us when the show returns in March of 2015!!! Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe.....And Merry Christmas to you and your family!!! I hope it is a wonderful Holiday season for you and you get everything that you want!!! Until Later......Jeremy's Flame, out!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Tribute video to Jeremy as Penn

Good Morning!!!! So sorry for not posting last Friday but there was so much going on that I just didn't have the chance to do so....That day I had to finish up my work for classes and hand in my Art History paper and do the final discussion for short film 2 class, then we had to go shopping and finish up with the Christmas shopping (which we still aren't done with), take goodie trays up to the clinic to our doctors and then we came home and cleaned house...So busy day on Friday....It's going to be a crazy week this week too...What with Wed being Christmas Eve and the Thursday being Christmas I have so much stuff to get done before those days it's not even funny....Last night was my special day the Winter Solstice.....Seeing as how I am Wiccan I did celebrate it in my own special way.....I celebrate Christmas too just not like everyone else does....I don't go to church because I light candles for my loved ones in the Summerland so that they know I am thinking of them and so that they can be a part of my celebration....Just simple things like that...As for the video today....I found it on tumblr then went to YouTube and found it again so that I could post it today....A fan of Jeremy's from tumblr made it in tribute to his character on Angel....He played a nasty little vampire named Penn....but damn was he HOT!!!! Such a sweet and innocent face this man had in this episode....And yes I own this particular season of Angel.....I admit I was a Buffy fan and had to follow Angel to his own show....Plus the later seasons had Spike in them!!! *laughing*...As for the picture...Well just one of the man I have of him that I love because he is smiling in it!!!! I do love that man's smile!!! It's a beautiful smile and just makes me smile when I see it....Anyways.....That's all for today....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out

Merry Christmas
Blessings for a wonderful
New Year!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just Jeremy!


Good Morning!!! Pretty decent morning so far...Sorry for not posting yesterday but just was not feeling very good...Barely managed to get through a few sessions in class yesterday...Feeling mush better today and finished classes today...the only thing I have to do is turn in my Art history paper tomorrow morning and school is finished for the semester...I'm sad about it too....I was really enjoying my short film 2 class and I am going to continue to work on my script and send it to my instructor for advice on what needs to be improved...I want to get it up to snuff so that I can actually enter it into contests...Plus I am working on a few more things too so I will be busy over the winter break...I know I probably posted the video before but couldn't resist posting it again...Plus saw something on another site belonging to Clark Gregg (aka Director Coulson) hinting at a possible appearance of Hawkeye on AOS next year!!! Now this is just a rumor so not getting my hopes up...I guess we will see if it takes place when the show returns in March of next year!!!the pictures are just because he looks so darn adorable in them....The first one he looks sexy as sin standing there looking at the camera with that gorgeous smile on his face...Makes me want to wrap my arms around him and never let go....The second one because who can resist a musician!!! this woman can't!!! Plus I know how to play classical guitar, well a little bit that is...I'm kind of rusty at it and would love to get back into it...But he looks so good just standing there holding the guitar about to break into song!!! that wouldn't be a bad thing either....*Cheshire cat grin*...Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy....Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

More new pictures of Jeremy in London!!!

Good Morning!!! Great morning so far and only getting better as the day goes by....finished classes and have only a few things left to do before the end of the semester on Saturday!!!! Can't believe that this semester is over already....Where did the time go??? I got the final grade on my script and it was  a B+ and my instructor said a few things that I needed to work on still and that's exactly what I am going to do over the winter break. I want to be able to enter it into a contest at some point and make it perfect....He told me what I needed to work on and that's great....So have a few things to do to perfect it and I hope that I can do this, we shall see what happens!!! Okay the pictures for today are from a few days ago when my man was filming in London...He looks so damn good!!! Although when doesn't he look good....The bottom picture I have no clue as to when it was taken but can I just say that the man does look SEXY as sin in that suit!!!! I about fainted when I saw it....That smile of his just makes me feel happy!!! I'm thinking that it had to have been recent because of the Christmas tree in the background....But it could have been taken a few years ago...Who knows and who cares....All I know is that he looks amazing...I also want to say I'm sorry to him because of the 49ner's loss to the Seahawks....My team won and this makes me happy!!! don't get me wrong I love the 49ner's but the last team I really liked was when Joe Montana was the QB!!!! He was probably the best QB the team ever had!!! Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Jeremy's Social Media spree!!!

Good Morning!!!! Such a wonderful morning so far....Finished school for the day and by the end of the week I will be completely done for the semester....I am going to work on my other two scripts that I have in progress and see if I can get them done....Would love to look for a short film script contest to enter and see how well I can do....Would be good practice for me...We shall see what happens and how things go....Okay onto the pictures today....Apparently my man decided to go on a Social Media spree today....*laughing*....Can I just say that this man is a gift to the Social Media!!! My life is so much brighter since he joined and when he posts he is such a goofball....but how can you not love this man....Just have one thing to say to this adorable man....Jeremy don't ever change babe.....Please stay the same as you are now....You have no idea how much better life is that you are on this earth....You make each day better for me and for thousands of other people like me....there are times that I just want to give up and not do school anymore and give up my dreams but then something like these pictures show up and I remember why I am doing this....You gave me back my dreams and I am not going to give them up again....I don't know if you ever read my silly little blog but I owe you a lot....You and Kathryn both....You gave me back that missing piece of me....A piece that I thought was gone for good because I didn't know how to get it back....So for that I thank you...So just never change the way you are...Keep being the silly, goofy and adorable man you are...Because that's who I love....Anyways.....Lots of Love to You Jeremy!!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

My angel, Jeremy!!

Good Morning!!!! So far a great morning and will continue to be so as the day goes on...IT'S FINISHED!!!!!!! I finished my short film script for my Short Film 2 class yesterday and turned it in yesterday too....It turned out really good and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get an A!!! I want to work on it some more and get it perfect so that I can find a contest for short film scripts to enter it in....I think I have a good chance of maybe winning....It would be nice and talk about a great way to start off the new year!!! I am going to be working on the other two scripts that I have in the works right now too over the winter break and see if my instructor can help me with them by giving me input and notes on them to see what I can do to make it better....We shall see how things go....Okay the pictures today are three of my favorite....I love the top one because it is of the two people I admire the most in the movie industry....Kathryn Bigelow and Jeremy Renner....It's a wonderful picture of the two of them....The other two well, you can see why I love them!!! the one of Jeremy as an Angel is a fan made one that I found on Tumblr one day and had to save it....And honestly he is my angel....And well the last one is just what some of the girls on tumblr call "neck porn"....I admit that I am one of those people who love to admire his neck....Although I would love to nibble on it more than just look at it....*snarky smirk*....Hey a girl can dream can't she!!! anyways....gotta jet for now....Off to get my hair cut then to do some shopping....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Jeremy singing My World!!

Good Morning!!! Great morning so far and going to get better as the day goes by...I just finished my polish on my script for class and it sounds so much better after removing some things. I also added a few things and it sounds better with the way that I have rewritten it....Here's hoping that I get an A!!! I am going to ask my instructor if he can help me with a complete rewrite of what needs to be done after the class....I would like to see if I can find a contest to enter this in and see if I can get it made into a short film....It would so cool if I could....We shall see....I have one more week left of classes then I am off for a little over a month....So that's when I can start working on some things that I have been meaning to do for a long time....Okay as for the video for today....I was feeling a bit nostalgic!!! this is the full interview with Jeremy from The View that he did a few years ago....It also has the man singing his song My World....He has such an amazing voice and honestly I could listen to it all day....He really does need to do a CD for his fans....I'm just saying it would be nice to be able to listen to his sinfully sweet and beautiful voice....I know a lot of women and men will agree with me there.....So this goes out to Jeremy!!!! Make a CD so we can hear that gorgeous voice of yours lifted in song....We know you can do it if you ever get the chance....I know I would be the first in line to get the CD....Course I would probably then buy it on iTunes and download it to my iPod so that I could listen to it anywhere I wanted too...*big smile*...Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe Wherever You Are Babe!!!! Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Jeremy's Smile!!! Gets me every time!!

Good Afternoon!!!! Pretty good day so far!!! Finished classes for the day and now all I have to do is post the rest of the week and turn in my final paper for Art History, typed it up this morning, and put the polish on my script and turn it in this week....the there is one more module left to do and this semester is over....then time to rest for a few days before I start working....Plus I want to try and get my other two scripts done and maybe get them polished off and entered into a contest for screenplays....We shall see how things go....Not a lot going on for me lately....And Jeremy hasn't been seen lately...*frowny face*....I really do enjoy seeing new pictures of this man....there are a few that I found on tumblr and I have them saved but my flash drive is in the other room and I really don't feel like getting it....*laughing*...So I'm using one that I've posted before...I love this picture of him....It's that gorgeous smile of his that I love so much...I have this one in my computer cabinet so that I can look at it while I am in class....Hey he helps to keep me focused....I know that sounds weird but it's the truth!!! If I feel that I am getting unfocused and not concentrating on what I am supposed to be doing all I have to do is look over and see this beautiful man's smile and I can focus again....What can I say, he inspires me!!! anyways...Like I said not a lot going on, have to cut this short so that I can eat then make cookies....Plus have a few errands to run this afternoon....So Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe....Keep smiling too!!! Cause when you smile, I smile!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rant for the day!!!

Good Afternoon!!! Pretty decent day so far....Finished with my classes for the day and have to work on both projects this afternoon and this evening....almost finished writing my Art History paper and then I can type it up and turn it in by the end of the week...My Polish on my short film script is coming along nicely too...Have to rearrange a few things but it will be perfect when I turn it in on Friday!!!! Okay time for a rant now...I found something on IMDb this morning and it just ticks me off....The movie isn't even in production and people are already starting in on it....If you are familiar with any of Jeremy's movies and what they are about and ones that he is in the process of making then you know that I will defend anything this man he is set to start making a movie about the actor Steve McQueen and from my understanding he is set to star in it too....Well here is a part of a conversation that is going on with this one idiotic person named FutureRobot (the moniker she or he goes by) and another person on the IMDb boards...



» 1 day ago (Sun Dec 7 2014 14:38:12)

Ignore UserReportsure why not. a biopic of an alcoholic and wife-beater. sounds like a great fit for you fanfraus to drool over.
Your ridiculous boycott and that stupid petition to screech at Focus Films. Maybe if this guy put in the EFFORT to support the content of KTM. but no. he wasted the press door mealy mouthed the subject so not to offend the gun toting tea bagging reagan fetishers when he wasn't BSing about the stunt family, naked 'girls' on his phone, and nonsense about the Avengers.
No wonder if Focus Films was pissed.
Get a life and get a god damn job.


» 1 day ago (Sun Dec 7 2014 18:03:19)

Ignore UserReport This may be a huge mistake if I am rising to some kind of bait here but my curiosity is kinda getting the better of me and absolutely no offence to anyone is intended but...
FutureRobot - in the nicest possible way - why do you care so much about any of this? You always seem really angry towards both Jeremy Renner and/or his fans here and frankly (again no offence intended) I'm just not sure any of us (him included) are worth the anger it seems to be causing you. He's just an actor for heaven's sake! It's OK to be a fan of certain actors and it's OK not to be a fan but getting upset over them means upsetting yourself over someone who will never know nor care about your opinions or feelings. Is it really worth it? What will it achieve? If it is him you have a problem with then as far as I am aware, you can live the rest of your life never seeing another of his films nor reading/listening/watching his interviews if it upsets you so. If it is his fans then why bother fighting with them -- I doubt you will change their minds.
Remember, the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference... If he or people on this board (I'm honestly not sure which of these it actually is) have done or said something that upset you, it is probably better to "turn the other cheek" as they say, forgive, forget and move on...
I'm not trying to preach or anything, just keep things in perspective. Stuff on the internet gets blown way out of proportion and makes for misery on all sides.

"You're all puppets tangled in strings."


» 19 hours ago (Mon Dec 8 2014 16:33:37 pm)
Ignore UserRethanks for the lecture, ding dong fan. I am not angry. I just find it absurd with you fangirls and your delusions. You fangirls love to curate and censor every stupid thing about him. I am allowed to critique because last time I checked, Amazon owns this site- not you goofs.
oh by the way, this isn't a fan site. Go waddle over to
Now I realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but this goes out to Future Robot....If you don't like Jeremy Renner then get the flipping hell off of his message boards.....You are taking up space that someone else might want to use on the boards....Further more keep you nasty comments to yourself....If you don't like anything that Jeremy does then why do you have to comment on it...This IMDb message board is for Renner Fans not Renner haters!!!! Get a life ....Yes you are allowed to critique but we are allowed to not listen and not read your comments....I tend to get a bit pissy when people like you make snide remarks about a person you have never met....Try being nice for a change....IF you can't be nice and make nice comments on his boards then leave....Just stating something that I feel....See that's why I have a blog....So I can state my opinions and not have to deal with people like you....Anyways...Enough of my ranting....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Kill The Messenger is One AMAZING movie!!!

Good Afternoon!!! Such an awesome day so far....finished classes and have so much to do this afternoon for both classes that I barely have time to breathe!!! I have this week and next week and then out for winter break....Going to be a long few weeks too!!! But I'll be able to get a lot done!!! Okay I know I've posted all these things before but I had to post them again!!! I got a shock and a wonderful surprise last week when I was driving past my little theater....Kill the Messenger was playing there!!!! OMG I was sooooo happy!!! I got an early Christmas gift!!! Yes, I went to see it yesterday and let me tell you, this movie will make you sit up and notice Mr. Jeremy Renner!!! He was amazing as Gary Webb...This role really showed me something that I hadn't seen before in this man....It showed his versatility as an actor....He showed that he has the chops to do more than just action movies....He truly is the real deal....You don't see this much now a days...Most of the up and coming actors don't want to take on these gritty parts....But this was right up Jeremy's alley.....He made you feel for what the newspapers did to Gary Webb....They smeared his good name and what really hurt the most was when his own paper didn't stand behind him....That one scene when Gary is the office all excited about what he had found out from the one person he had been searching for is moving....You see his shock then his dismay then his anger and hurt over the fact that his boss wants to print a letter saying they were sorry for printing the articles.....The emotions in this movie are overwhelming and real at best...You can see the toll that these articles took on his family too...Well the aftermath of what was happening to him...I am still reading the book Dark Alliance and it is a wonderful book....The movie is the best I have seen all year and I will definitely be buying it when it comes out.....I recommend it to anyone who wants to see a stunning movie featuring an amazingly talented man, telling a story that should have been told a long time ago.....I do believe that this movie vindicates Mr. Webb and it's been a long time coming....If I were to rate this movie on a scale of 1 to 5 I would give it a 10!!! It's off the charts fantastic!!! Anyways.....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Thank you for making this wonderful movie.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Jeremy answers the fans questions

Good Morning!!! So far it's a pretty good morning...It's cold and crisp outside and I love it....Have a few more things to do to decorate the house for Christmas properly then I will post pictures of my tree and everything else...Have a lot to do today and the rest of the weekend too....I have to start on my final paper for Art History class tomorrow afternoon and I have to start on the polish for my script this evening....A lot of reworking to do on it to get it perfected!! On to the video for today....It's of Jeremy answering questions that his fans sent to him to answer....I haven't watched it yet so I do hope it's fun and amusing...As I know it probably will be since it is Jeremy!!! How can it not be?? The two pictures are courtesy of my friend Zoe!!! She made both these last year and sent me all  her pizap collages to save....So figured I use a couple of them...Not a lot to say today....Feeling better than I was earlier last month so what ever this crap is that I have got is going away finally...And I am thinking of watching Fish in Barrel this weekend...I need a laugh and from what I understand this movie will give me a laugh....bought a few weeks back and haven't had a chance to watch it....I'll let ya all know what I think next week when I post....Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and be safe out there...Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Jeremy, you are the angel a top my tree!!!

Good Morning!!! Such a great morning it is too....My cough is finally letting up which means I am finally getting over what I have had for the past month....Hate being sick!! Finished classes for the day and now I have so much to do in the next few weeks before school is over for the winter and I have like a month and a half off before Spring Semester starts....I want to take the first week and just relax and not do anything...Then I will start working on my other screenplay...My characters are starting to talk to me again and they want me to finish it....Especially my sweet Jax....He is the reason for this screenplay....So we shall see if I can get it finished this coming year....Okay the video today is Believe from the movie The Polar Express...It's sung by Josh Groban....The man has a beautiful voice and this song just evokes a lot of emotions for me....I love the movie and watch it every time it is on during this season...I also own it so I can watch whenever I want...If you haven't seen it then it is a must see movie for anyone of any age....Makes you stop and think about certain things...As for the picture...Well it's one that I posted last year about this time....So decided to post it again....I haven't been able to make any new collages lately but I am going to do so this weekend....I need to make at least 12 new ones for the new calendar that I want to make....Gotta have my Jeremy for every month of the year....How can you not adore this man....Look at that gorgeous smile of his...It gets me every time....anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! You are the angel a top my tree....Stay safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Santa Baby, Bring me Jeremy for Christmas!!!

Good Afternoon!!! Well it will be in a few minutes!!Still coughing a bit but not as bad as it was last month...So hopefully it will go away soon....Really hate it when I cough...It hurts! Finished classes for the week and now it's just posting on the discussion boards, working on my final paper and doing the polish for my script...So a lot to do....Okay started decorating for Christmas yesterday and got my town up and a few other things too...Still have to get the Tree up and the family room decorated....I will take pictures and post them just as soon as I get everything done...Okay on to the video for today....It's an original recording of Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt.....She was the original Catwoman....I love this song during the holidays cause I know what I want Santa to bring me for Christmas....Not likely I'll get it but hey a girl can wish can't she!!! As for the pictures....Well they are from 2010 when Jeremy got up on stage with Steel Panther.....the man has an amazing voice....Plus look at him all sexy and adorable standing there....That smirk on his face....Goddess how I adore this man...Can I please have him under my tree this year???? Not likely to happen anytime soon!!!! Anyways....I can dream!!! Lots of Love To You Jeremy....Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jeremy, moving??

Good Afternoon!!! Pretty decent day so far and hopefully it will get better as the day wears on...Just finished classes for the day and I have a bit of homework to do all this week....I have to start working on my final paper for my Art History class and doing a polish on my script for my Short Film Class....Have a lot to do this week and so little time to do it....My mom and I are going to be getting the house decorated for Christmas this week after I get out of class and posting to my blog....Hopefully I will have pictures of my tree and village later in the week to post...School is almost over for this semester...*frowny face*...I have a month off for break then back to school on January....At least I get a break, but oh dear I will be bored that's for sure....Today's video is Merry Christmas with Love by Clay Aiken....This is my favorite Christmas song....It reminds me of me when I was younger and after I lost my brother...this is kind of what I felt like...I love the words to this song and the meaning to them....Hopefully you'll like it too....As for the pictures, well they are more of Jeremy moving....Nice to see that he does his own moving and doesn't just hire people to do it for him....Proves to me that he is a real person and doesn't want to rely on anyone else to do it for him....Anyways...Gotta jet for now....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

New Pictures of Jeremy!!!

Good Afternoon!!!! Can't stay on here for too long so this post is going to be short....Had a Dr.'s appointment this morning to get something for this cough...Have to go pick up the medicine this afternoon plus go back and have some tests done...Joy!! Not...New pictures of Jeremy!!! the top two are a from a few days ago when he was moving....Where to I have no clue....Makes me wonder...Sometimes that can get me into trouble though....*big smile*...the last one was taken  by someone on a plane earlier today or yesterday...He looks so cute sitting all hunkered down....Makes me want to cuddle him....I know I'm strange but he looks adorable to me...As for the video...Starting a bit early with the Christmas videos....This one is one of my faves....All I want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carrey....So enjoy!!! Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Seahawks vs 49ner's...HAWKS WIN!!!!! Sorry Jeremy!!!

Good Morning!!! Hope everyone out there had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!!! Mine was wonderful and it was nice to just sit and relax...did hear a wonderful thing this morning and that's that my Seahawks won yesterday against the 49ner's...19 to 3...WOW....Go Hawks....Sorry Jeremy my love..*hugs*..Speaking of the game....Look at who was there...Not that this surprises me at all...He is a big fan of the niner's and that's great!!! No hard feelings Jeremy...Can't help it...I'm a Seahawks girl now....although if they aren't playing and the 49ner's are then I will cheer for the 49ner's....I'm not picky...I didn't watch the game because there was other stuff that I had to do...I was helping my mom fix dinner and for me that entails making my homemade mac-n-cheese...This year is was really yummy....I used Smoked Gouda, Sharp Cheddar Cheese and Havarti....It was creamy and sinful....that's the one thing that I have to make during the holidays....Anyways....Kind of have to cut this short today...My mom wants to take advantage of some of the sales today...I know crazy to even think about doing it....But some of the stuff is actually pretty good....Although we may be doing some shopping online come Monday...Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe.....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving To Jeremy and his family!!

Good Morning!!! Pretty decent morning so far....Although it's going on noon here...Just finished classes for the week and got my video turned in of my script read and I hope that I did it right....Happy with it and how it turned out....Have to wait and see what everyone says and how well it is received by my instructor...I have to start working on my polish of my script and I am going to start doing that this weekend....Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I will not be posting...It's time to spend with my mom and my kitty...Plus I am making my homemade mac-n-cheese for part of the Thanksgiving dinner....Love making it every year at this time...Only make it during the holidays and that's okay...So not much else to say right now....Just that I hope Jeremy and his family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and he is able to rest and relax and enjoy the day with his little girl...Love, light and many blessings for a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!!! Lots of Love To You Jeremy....Stay safe wherever you are babe and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

New pics of Jeremy and as Penn in Angel!!

Good Morning!!!! It's a wonderful morning....I'm finally getting over whatever it is that I have had for the past 2 weeks and that makes me a very happy lady...All that is lingering is this nasty cough...I really hate being sick for the holidays....Did the filming of my script read yesterday with a friend of mine and my mom...I think it turned out pretty good and now all I have to do is upload it and edit and turn it into a movie then turn it in this week....I'll probably do all that tomorrow after classes....Best thing I did over the weekend...I watched Episode 11 of Season one of Angel....It's called Somnambulist and aired on 01/18/2000....Now the only reason I watched it was because Jeremy is in it and boy talk about adorable and sexy....He was all of what 29 years old...Damn the man hasn't aged a bit either....I tell ya what I actually cried a bit when his character Penn got dusted in the end....I actually kind of liked him....Course I was an Angel fan back then too...Watched every episode and like them...I was also a Buffy fan too...I ain't afraid to admit it....I like Joss Wheadon and this is what turned me onto his style of directing...Okay onto the video for today....It's I Love Rock-n-Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts....this song is amazing and is one of the 80's rock anthems that I grew up with....she was considered hard rock and roll back then and I loved the song and what it sounded like...Just thought that I would post it because it is one of my favorite songs from back then...As for the pictures...New ones of Jeremy taken when he was LAX...Guess he is back home for Thanksgiving...I hope he has a great day with his family and friends....I think he looks great in both pictures...Course then again I am biased towards the man....Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are and enjoy your time with your family!!...Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out.

Jeremy as Penn from Angel!!! He played a centuries old Vampire...Look at that sweet innocent face....How could this Sexy man be a killer!!! To quote a friend of mine...He could Bite me anytime!!!!