Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jeremy Renner, A True Gift to Social Media!!!

Good Morning!!! So far it's a pretty decent morning...It's cold and wintery outside so this makes me happy!!! Plus there's peace and quiet since my dad is gone for a little while!!! Still no news on my grades for this semester yet!! Really wish they would get the stuff graded and sent in to the school so I can see my grades!!! so far I have all A's and I really want to keep it that way!!! I have been working on my short film script and am going to work on it in a bit as soon as I am done blogging!!! Cannot believe that today is December 30th....Only one more day left in the year and it feels kind of strange to be saying goodbye to 2014 already....Where did this year go??? Hard to believe that in just 2 more days 2015 will be here and I don't know that I am ready for it....Guess I have to be...I have until January 26th before school starts back up again and I wish that it were sooner!!! I have got to find things that will keep me busy for the next few weeks....I do have a lot of things that I need to do on my to do list and that will probably take all of a week to do...*shrugs*...anyways....The photos for today are just a mish mash of ones that I have found to be wonderful!!! The top one is actually a colored photo that someone on Tumblr decided to turn black and white....I love it both ways....But I really love it as the Black and White!!! The last photo is a still from AOU!!! I gotta admit that this man does look FINE as WINE in it too!!! the look on his face and just the way he is standing!!! Ready to pounce and take action!!! As for the middle one...Well I saw it on tumblr and turns out that it was Jeremy's tweet one day....the man got bored and was looking himself up on google.....Now I ask you, how can you not love this adorable and goofy man???? If anyone were to ask me what my favorite thing of this past year was. Then my answer would have to be when Jeremy Renner joined the 21st century and joined social media!!! He is a wonderful gift to us all....His posts are fun and so him!!! The nice thing about his posts are they are real!!! He's being himself...And that's what I love about it...So to Jeremy I say this....Keep up the great posts and don't ever let life get you down....I know you may be going through some rough patches in the year to come, but know this....If ever you need to talk to someone who will listen and not tell you I told you so...Leave me a message on here and I'll be there to talk...I don't judge and never will...Nor will I ever discuss things that are private....Just a thought for you....Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!!...May the New Year bring lots of Love , Light and Blessings to you...Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

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