Friday, May 23, 2014

My Rant for today!!

Good Morning!!! It's a pretty good day too....I got a job!!!! I start next week working at Office Depot....It's part time but at least it's something to help bring in a bit of money....At least I won't be struggling so much anymore and I will be able to afford to get my school books for next fall!!! So that takes a load off my mind....So things are looking up for me right now...My BFF comes into town tomorrow for a visit and I am really looking forward to seeing her!!! Been too long since we seen each other....Going to be a lot of fun too!!! If I get the chance I may blog a few pictures of us together!!! anyways....Video today is by my new favorite group One Republic and it is called Stop and Stare....I heard this song on the TV show CASTLE!!! Fell in love with it....Listen to it and you'll understand why I enjoy so much....I like group a lot...they have an interesting sound and the music is rockin!!!! As for the picture...It's a banner that I found on tumblr (my favorite Jeremy place) and well it feels like something he would say....Plus I love the picture....I like the saying on it and feel that it's true....Apply it to everyday life and see what happens....Everyone has flaws no matter if they be a hero or normal person....Which in a way, heroes are normal people....See, I accept people for who they are, I don't try and change them and never would because then they wouldn't be the people I liked in the first place....I tend to see past what they look like and look deeper within a person to their core and their soul...That's what I did with Jeremy....I see the man not the star...I see into his soul and can accept that he has flaws just like everyone else...To me he is perfect the way he is and needn't change for anyone.....too many of his fans expect him to change to be more what they want him to be...Why should he?? He's who he is and that's perfect for me....He's only human and despite what people think he is just a man and does make mistakes...So to all of those little prissy girls on the IMDb website please just learn to accept Jeremy for who he is and stop putting him on a pedestal and making him out to be an all seeing being....He's not....Like I said, he's just a man and for me that is enough....Anyways....Lots of Love to you Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are....Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

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