Thursday, July 24, 2014

Say Something Jeremy!!

Good Morning!!! Pretty decent morning so far!!! Nice and cool when I went for my walk this morning and that made it a short walk...But that's okay....We really do need the weather we are having at the moment....Hopefully the wet weather will help the Firefighters in getting all the fires under control that are going on around the valley where I live....It rained most of the day yesterday and hopefully it will continue to rain today....I have to work this afternoon and I really am starting to hate this job....But at least it's money that I need for school and for bills...that's the only reason I took it....Anyways....enough of that....Today's video is Say Something by Great Big World and Christina Aguilara.....It's a beautiful song and evokes a lot of feelings for me....It kind of reminds me of when two people are fighting and then turn away from each other...You want to say something but you don't know what to say...So you just give up....You can't give up...You have to say something in order to fix whatever went wrong...As for the picture....Well it's a banner I found on tumblr several months ago and have never used it on here....The saying is so me....Because every second I do see his face my heart stops just for a moment....I could look at Jeremy for a long time....To wake up next to him would be a dream come true.....What gets me is that he doesn't know the impact he has on women....He is humble beyond words and is completely oblivious to why women fall for him....He has what most men want....Confidence and intelligence....He exudes sex appeal and it shows in how he carries himself and how he acts....He isn't afraid to be goofy or act like a kid...He also isn't afraid to show emotion.....Yes, he is attractive and no I don't care about his looks....Looks fade in time....what's underneath doesn't....I love the man because he is real and makes me smile....If I have a bad day and feel crappy....I just look at Jeremy and smile....I can also just listen to his laugh and it makes my day even brighter....So he is an actor and he's sinfully sexy too....Do I care about that....Not really.....He's first and foremost a man...There is more to him that meets the eye....He's not just an actor...He's an artist....Meaning he renovates homes also.....That in itself is an art form....He's also a Producer....He's a son, a brother and a father....So there is more to him than him being just an actor....I love the whole man....Flaws and all.....Anyways.....Lots of Love To You Jeremy....Stay safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out....76 days until Kill The Messenger!!!!! *happy dance*

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