Monday, August 18, 2014

I Challenge Jeremy Renner to The Ice Bucket Challenge!!!

Good Morning!!! Not such an decent morning for me....I have a bit of a headache starting and I have to work this evening....Not really looking forward to doing that either....Hate being in pain right now...But I need to post....Since I didn't post yesterday...which seems to be a norm for me now...No sunday posts...Anyways....the pictures are from the upcoming movie Kill The Messenger....Can I just say that I am looking forward to this movie coming out in 52 days!!! Yes I am still doing a count down....Can't help it....I am going to ask for that day off so that I can be sitting in the theater the night before watching it when it hits theaters at midnight!!! I'll just take a nap that morning so that I can stay awake for it....*big grin*...Okay now on to something that has been going around twitter, facebook and tumblr lately...It's called the Icebucket Challenge and it benefits ALS!!! so far a number of big name stars have participated in it and I want to see how many people will help me challenge this man above to do it!!! So here's the challenge Jeremy!!! Take the Ice Bucket Challenge and then challenge someone else that you know....One of your Avengers Co-stars has already taken it (RDJ took it a few days ago) so get on board...It's for a good cause babe....Anyways...Sorry so short but a lot ot get done this morning before I go to work....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!! Stay safe wherever you are!!! Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!!

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