Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dear Jeremy

Good Morning!!! Such a great day it is today too... I just took my final exam in my Introduction to Producing class and passed it with a B, so this makes me happy....I have to admit that I never knew just how hard the producers job was until I took this class...Now I understand and realize just what they do for the film industry...If it wasn't for the producers then movies wouldn't get made...Okay now onto what I need to say to this man above in the pictures.
Dear Jeremy,
As this year comes to an end I have been taking stock in everything in my life and how my life has changed in the past few years. It's hard to believe that just 2 years ago I had no idea what I was missing in my life. That is until one day I was at school waiting on my mom to get out of class. I had brought my computer with me and several movies too. So I popped in a movie and sat and watched it. That movie was The Hurt Locker. I was amazed at this movie and how good it was. Then to realize that a woman had directed it made me even happier. I do remember watching The Oscars the year it won, didn't really pay much attention to it at the time though. But I did that day at school. It sparked something inside me that I had thought died a long time ago. My love for the film industry. I had acted in many plays growing up and had loved it but my real passion was behind the camera. I didn't have a role model that I could look up to until I discovered Kathryn and you. You made me sit up and take notice of something that had been missing in my life, Kathryn made me realize that I could go after my dream. Since that day I have been on this journey to becoming a director and it has been an amazing journey too. There were times I just wanted to give up but I didn't. Because I knew that I could do this and I will be out there someday. The two of you are my inspirations and I just want to say Thank you. Thank you for inspiring me to go after what I have always loved, movies. It's funny really, now when I watch a movie I watch it with a different set of eyes. I see things that I wouldn't have normally seen before. Yet, I still enjoy them, maybe even more than I used to. I actually follow certain movies from the day they are announced to the day they wrap, just to see how the progress is going. All this is because of you and Kathryn. All because of a movie entitled The Hurt Locker. I will admit I am a fan of yours and have seen pretty much all of your movies. I have my favorites and there are a few that I didn't like, but I still own them. And yes, I have watched Dahmer. Creeped me out, but it was a great movie. I have seen Fish in a Barrel and honestly that is the most chaotic movie I have ever seen. I laughed all the way through it and loved every minute of it. My mom even laughed. SWAT made me cry at the end, because I know that the original script Gamble doesn't die. Loved Monkey Love, Ingenious, The Hurt Locker, Avengers and Age of Ultron. Although I think my favorite movie now has to be Kill The Messenger. This one really showed people that you can wear many hats and wear them well. So please accept my thanks as just that, a thank you for opening my eyes again to the wonderful world of the movies.
I know that he may not read this but I felt the need to say it all again. Just in case. Anyways...Lots of Love Jeremy....Stay safe wherever you are...Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!!

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