Good Morning!!! 03/13/2018
I know it's been awhile since I posted but I've been crazy busy with school and work. Work is same as always. Work! But it's a job for now and at least I have one whereas there are many who don't have jobs. School is going great so far. My one class is interesting as we have to create our resumes and cover letters or query letters. I am doing a research project for that class too. Have to spend some time on Thursday doing that too. It's due next week and I haven't gotten much done on it. I finally did get to see Arrival and I must say it wasn't what I was expecting. It's much better actually. I really did like the characters too. Especially Jeremy's character. This isn't the normal type of character you see him portray and it was actually nice to see something different from him. I'm used to seeing him in action movies but this was a softer side of him. I loved it too. The story was great and despite what people thought at first, the movie really wasn't about the Aliens, it was actually about Love. That was the theme of the movie. Anyways...I also got to see Black Panther in the theaters two weeks ago and it was amazing. A must see for any Marvel fan or any movie buff. There was a great storyline to the movie too. It wasn't just action there was some great emotional scenes too. My mom and I bought CoCo last week too. It was amazing and so emotionally good. It really shows you that love doesn't die just because someone you love does. It gives you a glimpse of another culture and what The Day Of the Dead really means. To say I liked it is an understatement. I loved it. This week we are going to see A Wrinkle in Time and I am looking forward to see it too. I've heard nothing but rave reviews about it and the special effects are what interest me the most. So we shall see how that goes.
Another great thing happened to me recently. I became a great auntie. My niece had a baby girl last month and she is so beautiful. I'm so proud to be a part of this little ones life.
Anyways....This is Jeremy's Flame out.
Till next time...
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