Tuesday, June 30, 2015
New pictures of Jeremy from Playboy interview.
Good Evening!!! What an awesome day!! I got up early so that I could take my mom to work then I went to the gym for an hour . I had to pick up a few things before going to hastings to sit and work on my script, well I tried to work on it...Just wasn't feeling it...So I worked on my story a little bit....Wound up having to call my bank and get things straightened out....Found out that Kaspersky had taken out payment and I didn't authorize it...So had to call them and have them reverse the payment...Talk about one pi**ed off lady!!! I got it straightened out...Sorry that I haven't posted for a few days...But things have been a bit crazy here in my wonderful little town....First off we had our first fire start on Sunday afternoon....The embers from that fire sparked a fire here in town at a recycling plant and that in turn caused an ammonia tank to explode closing stores all along that stretch of the town down....Also I had one heck of a migraine all day because of the fire and the smoke in the air...So I wasn't feeling very good at all....I'm feeling much better now....So that's been my week so far and the week has just started....Great news is that this Friday is my birthday and I'm off so that's good for me!! Okay enough about me....On to the pictures of Jeremy!!! These are brand new and they are from the interview that he did with Playboy magazine.....I have the link saved to my email so that I can read the interview when I get the chance....I've read bits and pieces of it on tumblr...And it looks like it's one heck of a great interview! I can't wait to read it in full...You know something, from what I have read so far I respect and admire this man even more than I did before...He is a wonderful man and can tell that he loves his little girl more than anything in this world....He hates being away from her and will do anything to be with her.....This tells me he is a great dad...And I love that...Makes me love this man even more than I already do...Anyways.....Lots of Love To You Jeremy! Stay safe wherever you are babe...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Stills from MI5!
Good Evening! Been a busy day today...I've been up since 4:30 this morning and am tired so bedtime is going to be early tonight...Had to be up early to go with my mom to the hospital for her biopsy this morning...Got great news from the doctor too....It's not Cancer!!! Which was great news!! So that's a relief....So now she has to go for a follow up next week to make sure everything is okay after the surgery....So far she is doing pretty good...She is a little sore but that's to be expected...all in all she is doing great...Okay on to the pictures!! They are actually stills from the new Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation movie that comes out at the end of next month....Honestly I can say I am pretty excited to see this movie....From the trailers that I have seen it looks like it is going to be a really good movie....Plus I get to see Jeremy on the big screen again, so that puts a smile on my face....I am going over to Hastings next week and pre order Avengers: Age of Ultron so that I can get it immediately when it comes in and then bring it home so that I can watch it again....Once is so not enough for me!! but I will patiently wait for it to come out on Blu-ray so that I can watch it in the privacy of my own home....As for next weekend....Well I have the 2nd and the 3rd off...I'm getting my hair cut on the second and going out to dinner with my mom and have a nice day out....The third I my birthday and my mom and I are going to see Magic Mike XXL....So looking forward to seeing this movie....Loved the first one and the second one is going to be just as good!!! Talk about a wonderful birthday present!! Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe......Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
My Rant for the Day...The Rebel Flag
Good Evening!! It has been a wonderful day today...My mom and I had the house to ourselves until 6 pm today... My dad was in Spokane all day at a doctors appointment...So it was nice and quiet...We watched The Judge this morning and to say that I loved it is an understatement...I really loved this movie...Amazing acting on the parts of Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr....Probably the best movie I have seen RDJ do in a long time....It is a must see movie....Okay...I know I may offend some people with my pictures today, but honestly I really don't give a damn.....People are making a big deal about this flag and saying that it is a symbol of racism and bigotry...Get a life people!! This flag is part of this country's history....Read the saying on the second picture and understand this flag before you go on about how it is a symbol of racism....This flag is a symbol of the Confederate States and flew over their capital during the time of the Civil War....People are outraged over it being flown over the capital buildings in certain states and they are saying that it was the instigator of the young man who murdered those 9 people in that church this week...There is only one thing that I can say and that is this: Stop blaming an inanimate object for something that a moronic idiot person did...This flag didn't have anything to do with making him kill those people....My thinking on this matter is this: If you are going to ban this flag from all buildings and ban all sales of this flag then you have to do that with all flags and that includes the Stars and Stripes.....No flag should be allowed to be sold or flown anywhere...If people posted nasty things about the Stars and Stripes you would get all holier than though and say that this is America and that is our flag and that it is more important and should be respected then I would still say what I am saying....Only it would be about the Stars and Stripes....Yet since it is about the Confederate Flag or as it is better known as The Rebel Flag I will probably take some flack for defending it....Call me all kinds of names, I don't care....I am not going to apologize for defending this flag....I lived in TX for 18 years of my life and you see a lot of these flags where you go down there....Another thing that just ticks me off is now they are trying to have the rebel flag removed from the General Lee, the car from The Dukes of Hazard! Give me a flipping break....The car is called the General Lee and Lee was a Confederate General....Besides it's a damn car....I grew up watching this show and love that car....Always wanted to have a car like that....I even got to see the original car back in the day at a Truck and Car Show....The doors were actually welded shut and it was such a cool car....If they remove the flag from the car then it is nothing but a bright orange charger.....Nothing special...But that Flag makes it what it is....As I said earlier in my rant, This flag is a part of our history, if you remove it from where it is then you need to remove all the other flags too....Also if you ban this flag from everywhere then you can't teach that part of history correctly...This flag is a part of history, granted it's a part of history that divided the country and pitted brother against brother, but it is still a part of our history...Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame out!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Happy Belated Father's Day to Jeremy!!!
Good Morning!!! Such a wonderful morning so far....So sorry for not posting the past few days but things have been a bit crazy with me...I had a doctors appointment yesterday for my eye check up...good news is my eyes are healthy and bad news there is only a slight change in my prescription....I guess in a way that's both good news....Also found out that my mom has to go in for a liver biopsy to see what the heck this spot on her liver is....She goes in on Thursday morning so I may not be posting until late that night....depends on what we find out....Also, I know it's late....But I would like to wish Jeremy a happy belated Father's Day...I hope that he was able to enjoy it with his little girl....I know one thing for sure...that man loves being a dad....It shows in his face when he talks about her....His whole face lights up and he gets excited about it...So to Jeremy, I hope you had a wonderful day with your little girl.....Anyways...I'm sitting here at Hastings waiting on my mom to get off work and working on my script....I got all the written stuff typed up and now I can work on actually typing up new scenes....My favorite character is really starting to come to life again and it feels good to write this script again....I want to finish it before school starts and if I continue to do what I am doing then I just might finish it...We shall see....Anyways...going to make this a short one...And again, Happy belated Fathers Day To Jeremy.....Lots of Love To You Jeremy.....Stay safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Weird Email from rogers@rogers.com!
Good Morning!!! Such a good morning so far too. I got one of the letters I had typed up and out on the mail box so that it can go out this afternoon, cleaned the bathrooms so that my mom doesn't have to do it tomorrow while I am at work, checked my email accounts and found a weird email from this person: anon(rogers@rogers.com). He or she said that I would scare Jeremy off when I become a director....WTF!!! Why would someone say something like that to me. they don't know me at all....I am becoming a director because of Jeremy and Kathryn...They both inspired me to pursue my dreams again....I want to work with both of these amazing people.....I admire and respect Jeremy a lot and would love to sit down and pick his brain and get his advice and input on certain things....He's an amazing person and he makes me want more in life than I have now....He makes me want to be something more than just ordinary....How is that going to scare him off....Not sure what that person is talking about....Oh well, not going to worry about it....I am almost finished typing up my script for my feature length film, well the part that I have written out, that is....I still have a ways to go before I finish it, but I am going to work on it more next week....I typed up the part where Jax is introduced....you know even though I wrote all this out over a year ago it still thrills me when I see this character come to life on the page....He is just so much fun and complex in a way that makes me really like the character a lot.....Can't wait to finish it and send it off for contests....That's what I am doing this for right now...I want to be able to enter it into a contest or two next year....Once school starts in September I am hoping that I have it done before then because I won't be able to work on it as much....We shall see what happens....I found Jeremy's full interview with Conan that he did last month so that's today's video and the picture is from the man himself..... found it on tumblr this morning and had to use it in the blog today....He's starting to film The Story of Your Life in Montreal this week.....So should be a lot of fun to see the pictures from the set if there are any....Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy! Stay Safe on Set Babe....Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Yummy new pictures of Jeremy!
Good Evening!!! It has been a busy day and I am very glad to be home and resting for the evening....Been up since 6:30 this morning due to having a doctors appointment this morning....Plus my mom had 3 appointments today...She had to reschedule one because her CT scan ran over by about 10 minutes...I have one appointment next week and that's for my eyes...But it's gotta be done...I will do everything I can to keep myself healthy...Especially my eyes since I do love tread and I need my eyes for my future career...So that was my day today...Appointments from 7:30 to 10:30 am then picking up a few groceries that we didn't get yesterday....Okay onto the wonderful pictures of the sexiest man alive, at least to me he is...Brand new pictures....Found them on tumblr and had to save them so that I could share them...He looks amazing as always....What is it about a man that loves to work outside and with his hands that women find extremely sexy? Well for one they look masculine and well any man that can get down and dirty and still look sexy is perfect to me... Not to mention, the second picture....Take a look at this man's tight a**!!..This makes me want to walk up and just reach out and grab it and squeeze...But then again what woman wouldn't want to squeeze that butt...*big grin..Anyways...
Please enjoy these lovely new pictures.....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!! Stay Safe Wherever You Are Babe!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!
Monday, June 15, 2015
My ramble for today.
Good Evening!!! What a wonderful day it has been!!! First day off of 4 and the day has been amazingly calm and refreshing!!! I got up and ran the vacuum then ate breakfast and got dressed to go to the gym!!! My mom and I spent an hour and a half there working out....It felt great to work out....I am going to go by myself on Wednesday to work out again....I need it....I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning then we have to finish grocery shopping before we come home to relax for the rest of the day! So that has been my day...Work is going pretty good so far...Although I do wish that I could get off the closing shift...that will happen when school starts back up in September....I didn't get the chance to film the audition that I wanted to do so that stinks....It's just been a bus weekend and a busy few days....Plus with work and getting home late I have been really tired...But I will keep my eyes open for more auditions....Anyways....On to Jeremy....These a just a few of the pictures that I like....Couse then again when don't I like pictures of this man...*big grin*...The top one I found on tumblr a few days ago and just forgot about....It's rather cute if you stop and look at it....It's comparing Matt Fraction's Hawkeye and the Movie Hawkeye....They do look a lot a like!!..The other two are pizap collages that my great friend and fellow Rennerite made....Thank you Zoe for doing these of Hawkeye!!! The man is definitely sexy as sin!!! Anyways.....Enjoy!!! Lots of Love To You Jeremy!! Stay Safe wherever you are Babe!!! Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
MI5 2nd Tralier.

Good Morning!!!! So far it is a pretty good morning!!! Still pain free so that's a plus....Last day off for the weekend so I am going to do some things that need to get done before tomorrow and I go back to work....I have two letters I need to write and I think I might even work on typing more on my script after bit....We shall see.....I'm going over to Verizon this afternoon to update my phone, was supposed to do it yesterday but the two people I like to deal with weren't there...they will be there today so that's a good thing for me....We are finally getting a break from the extreme heat today....It's actually a lot cooler today that it has been all week....So thank the goddess for that....I wish we could just skip summer all together....But that's just me....Okay onto Jeremy....Video today is the 2nd trailer for Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation....Damn but this looks like a wild and crazy good movie....I am definitely looking forward to seeing this the first week in August....It'll be a late birthday present for me but at least I get to see it....I still want to go see Avengers again....My mom says that once is enough....*pouty face*....Want to see Hawkeye again....Plus it really is a great movie too...The two pictures are ones I may have posted before but I just like them so I posted them again....I love the one of him and Paul Bettany....Both are very attractive men....*big smile*...the second one is from MI5....It's the character poster only without the name of the film on it....It's a pretty good picture of the man if I do say so!!! Well I my birthday is a few weeks off and I've decided what I want to do....My mom and I are going to go see Magic Mike XXL on my birthday....Talk about a great birthday present!!! I loved the first one so I'm hoping that this one is just as good....Even though Matthew McConaughy isn't in it....From the looks of the trailers that I've seen it's going to be really good....So we shall see....Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy....Stay Safe wherever you are babe!! Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Bed Hopping With Jeremy? Who's up for it? *big grin*
Good Morning!!!! Such a great morning too!!! First morning since Friday I have been pain free!!! Migraine is gone and I am a happy happy happy lady!!!!Yesterday was nice....I wound up falling asleep yesterday afternoon while watching TV...It was nice to just take a nap...It helped too....By the time I woke up an hour and half later my headache had receded to where I could actually function....So I had a pretty good day yesterday...Today is going to be better since I no longer have a migraine...My mom and I are going to go to Verizon and exchange or update our phones....Which means I have to find a new case for my new Iphone.....I'll look on Amazon to see if I can find a Hawkeye case or a Jeremy case....Gotta be able to look at this man when I am on my phone....*giggles and smiles*.....Speaking of this man....Posted a video of him from when he did Conan a few weeks ago....He's talking about how he got to be in Mission Impossible....It's actually a pretty cute interview....The three pictures are from tumblr...the top one I have no idea where it was taken or what he was doing....I think it may have been when he was at Comic Palooza in TX a few weeks ago....Not for sure...the second one is from an interview he did with a travel magazine....I love the title....Bed Hopping With Jeremy Renner....I'd like to bed hop with him!!! *Cheshire cat grin*...But then again who wouldn't want to bed hop with the man!! The last picture is from MI5.....He looks like he is in deep thought....Looks yummy though!!! So enjoy!!! I know I will!!! Lots Of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe Wherever You Are Babe!!! Until Later. Jeremy's Flame, out!
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
New pictures of Jeremy!!!
Good Morning!!!! Still morning for a few more minutes that is!! Sorry for not posting last week very much but haven't been feeling very well...I was pretty worn out and hurting....Still not feeling that great due to a damn migraine that hit me yesterday morning....I still went into work and did my full shift....Was in pain the whole day and I was the only cashier with the managers as my back up that night....Was supposed to get off at 9 pm but didn't get off until 9:15...Had a bit of a meltdown in the car on the way home and wound up sleeping with my head wrapped in ice packs....I'm off for the next few days so I am going to rest and relax....Work is actually going pretty good and I like it most days with the exception of last night....So no complaints....I can't wait for school to start back up though....I need to be doing something that I love....Although I am going to be shooting an audition tape tomorrow or Thursday to send to ABC...Could be fun to see if I actually got a job because of it...who knows....Wish me Luck!! Okay on to Jeremy!!! TWO NEW pictures of this totally adorable and goofy man....The top on he sent himself through his twitter account...How can you not love this man??? He is so silly and that just makes him more adorable to me...Not to mention this man loves roller coasters too!!!! OMG!!! I am a roller coaster nut....Love them....I've ridden a few in my time and have to say my favorite is the Texas Giant at Six Flags over Texas....It's a wooden roller coaster and so much fun....I guess it's just something that only people who love riding them can understand...It's the thrill and the rush of the speed that gets the adrenaline pumping....I just can't believe that he loves to ride them too...Another reason to adore this man!!! I have been working on my feature length script for the last few days too....Not going to work on it this morning I may work on it a bit tonight while I am watching TV...It's coming along nicely....I have quite a bit of typed up....I am getting to the part where Macy finally meets Jax....I always get giddy when I read that part....He is my favorite character in this script...So I am a bit attached to him...Anyways...I'm babbling and guess I need to jet for now....So Lots Of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe Wherever You Are Babe!!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Jeremy, a total gem.
Good Evening!!! What a great day it was today!!! Although I am a bit tired..It's a good tired though....Been up since about 6 am and have been on the go all morning and afternoon.....Got home around 4 pm....I took my mom to work this morning at 8 am then went to the gym for an hour...Took my clothes with me and showered at the gym so that I could just head to Hastings to work on my feature length script....I actually got quite a bit typed up this morning.....Plus my main character JAX has been arguing with me and telling me I need to get it done already....*rolling my eyes*....So I guess I will be working on my script for the next few weeks on my days off....It actually feels good to be writing again...Took some time of while I was in school and now I want to write again....So that has been my day today....I have to do some housework tomorrow before I can work on my script....But it's all good....I do have to go grocery shopping tomorrow afternoon when my mom gets off work so that should be fun....Okay on to the pictures.....The top one is actually from Jeremy's twitter page today...I have no idea what he is talking about but I just have to say that this again, This man is a treasure and must be protected at all costs....His tweets make me smile and make my day that much brighter....It just goes to show me that he is as normal as me and that he loses things just like everyone else does in this world....He's adorable and this makes me love him even more....As for the second picture....Well another gem from Jeremy himself...His character poster from Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.....He looks incredible and I can't wait for this movie to come out!!! Anyways...I am going to enjoy this new picture of Jeremy and sign off for tonight....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!! Stay Safe Wherever You Are Babe! Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
New pictures of Jeremy!
Good Evening!!! Sorry so late in posting but it has been a busy day today!!! We went to the gym this morning then came home and showered, got dressed then went and did some shopping...We had a to pick up a few things to tide us over until tomorrow....As for last night at work....OMG...We were busy because it was the first of the month and everyone decided to come in an do some major shopping....Thankfully I have the next few days off before going back on Friday....I need the rest and the relaxation these few days will provide me....I am going to the gym tomorrow morning after dropping my mom off at work then I am going to head to Hastings and work on my feature length script...I would have posted earlier but I was kind of busy watching The Bourne Legacy on FX.....So I was getting my Jeremy fix for the day....I really needed it too...I am suffering from withdrawal. I may have to watch a few movies on Thursday when I am here waiting on my mom to get off work....I have to do a few things around the house before I can relax...But I think I may have to watch SWAT and maybe Ghost Protocol....Or maybe even Hansel and Gretel...I do love that movie....Okay enough about that....Onto the pictures....These are from the set of Captain America 3...They were taken a few days ago and he looks amazing as always...He looks all sweaty and yummy.....I know that sounds weird...But I love a man who can get all sweaty and still sexy as sin.....Anyways....I found out something interesting today....Filming begins on June 8th in Montreal for Jeremy's new movie Story of Your Life....So I cannot wait to start seeing things from this movie....Anyways.....Lots Of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe Wherever You Are Babe!!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!
Monday, June 1, 2015
Jeremy and Brad and Jeremy and Lenny!!!
Good Evening!!!! Sorry for not posting last Friday but things were a bit crazy...I had some errands to run before I went to work...Plus I had to go and eat something before going to work and then get my dinner for that night....So my day was busy....As for today....Well I just got home from work about an hour ago and now I am sitting here resting and getting ready watch some TV for the evening...We were slammed today and we were a man short....But so glad to be home now...I'm off for the next few days and I am going to relax....As for the pictures...Well the top two are from when he was coming into LAX...He actually passed by Brad Pitt on his way out and Brad was on his way in I think....All I can say is that damn the man looks good...and what's even better is that he is has a helmet in his hands....Which means he was riding his motorbike!!!! Have I mentioned how much I love men that ride motorcycles!!! Well I do...I find them incredibly sexy (bikes that is) and if the man on the bike is sexy then that is even better....The final picture is of him and the incredibly delish Lenny Kravetz!!!! Two gorgeous, sexy and yummy men in the same picture!!! Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!! Stay Safe on the Set Babe!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!
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