Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My Rant for the Day...The Rebel Flag

Good Evening!! It has been a wonderful day today...My mom and I had the house to ourselves until 6 pm today... My dad was in Spokane all day at a doctors appointment...So it was nice and quiet...We watched The Judge this morning and to say that I loved it is an understatement...I really loved this movie...Amazing acting on the parts of Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr....Probably the best movie I have seen RDJ do in a long time....It is a must see movie....Okay...I know I may offend some people with my pictures today, but honestly I really don't give a damn.....People are making a big deal about this flag and saying that it is a symbol of racism and bigotry...Get a life people!! This flag is part of this country's history....Read the saying on the second picture and understand this flag before you go on about how it is a symbol of racism....This flag is a symbol of the Confederate States and flew over their capital during the time of the Civil War....People are outraged over it being flown over the capital buildings in certain states and they are saying that it was the instigator of the young man who murdered those 9 people in that church this week...There is only one thing that I can say and that is this: Stop blaming an inanimate object for something that a moronic idiot person did...This flag didn't have anything to do with making him kill those people....My thinking on this matter is this: If you are going to ban this flag from all buildings and ban all sales of this flag then you have to do that with all flags and that includes the Stars and Stripes.....No flag should be allowed to be sold or flown anywhere...If people posted nasty things about the Stars and Stripes you would get all holier than though and say that this is America and that is our flag and that it is more important and should be respected then I would still say what I am saying....Only it would be about the Stars and Stripes....Yet since it is about the Confederate Flag or as it is better known as The Rebel Flag I will probably take some flack for defending it....Call me all kinds of names, I don't care....I am not going to apologize for defending this flag....I lived in TX for 18 years of my life and you see a lot of these flags where you go down there....Another thing that just ticks me off is now they are trying to have the rebel flag removed from the General Lee, the car from The Dukes of Hazard! Give me a flipping break....The car is called the General Lee and Lee was a Confederate General....Besides it's a damn car....I grew up watching this show and love that car....Always wanted to have a car like that....I even got to see the original car back in the day at a Truck and Car Show....The doors were actually welded shut and it was such a cool car....If they remove the flag from the car then it is nothing but a bright orange charger.....Nothing special...But that Flag makes it what it is....As I said earlier in my rant, This flag is a part of our history, if you remove it from where it is then you need to remove all the other flags too....Also if you ban this flag from everywhere then you can't teach that part of history correctly...This flag is a part of history, granted it's a part of history that divided the country and pitted brother against brother, but it is still a part of our history...Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame out!

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