Tuesday, June 30, 2015

New pictures of Jeremy from Playboy interview.

Good Evening!!! What an awesome day!! I got up early so that I could take my mom to work then I went to the gym for an hour . I had to pick up a few things before going to hastings to sit and work on my script, well I tried to work on it...Just wasn't feeling it...So I worked on my story a little bit....Wound up having to call my bank and get things straightened out....Found out that Kaspersky had taken out payment and I didn't authorize it...So had to call them and have them reverse the payment...Talk about one pi**ed off lady!!! I got it straightened out...Sorry that I haven't posted for a few days...But things have been a bit crazy here in my wonderful little town....First off we had our first fire start on Sunday afternoon....The embers from that fire sparked a fire here in town at a recycling plant and that in turn caused an ammonia tank to explode closing stores all along that stretch of the town down....Also I had one heck of a migraine all day because of the fire and the smoke in the air...So I wasn't feeling very good at all....I'm feeling much better now....So that's been my week so far and the week has just started....Great news is that this Friday is my birthday and I'm off so that's good for me!! Okay enough about me....On to the pictures of Jeremy!!! These are brand new and they are from the interview that he did with Playboy magazine.....I have the link saved to my email so that I can read the interview when I get the chance....I've read bits and pieces of it on tumblr...And it looks like it's one heck of a great interview! I can't wait to read it in full...You know something, from what I have read so far I respect and admire this man even more than I did before...He is a wonderful man and can tell that he loves his little girl more than anything in this world....He hates being away from her and will do anything to be with her.....This tells me he is a great dad...And I love that...Makes me love this man even more than I already do...Anyways.....Lots of Love To You Jeremy! Stay safe wherever you are babe...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!

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