Saturday, December 27, 2014

Let's Stop Bullying!!!



Good Morning!!!! Normally I don't post on Saturdays but something has just upset the applecart so to speak....I was on tumblr earlier and saw that someone that I follow had posted something about Anon Hate....A form of bullying on tumblr....Well the group that is being bullied are the people on the Supernatural site.....If there is one thing that I cannot stand is seeing other people being bullied....I was bullied in school all my life....Back then it was seen as typical teasing and you didn't do anything about....I was picked on because I wasn't pretty enough (I had severe acne growing up), I was fat, didn't wear designer clothes, did sleep around and I was geek....But that didn't give the kids the right to make fun of me....I don't pick on other people....I was raised better than that....For someone to bully another person to the point where that person takes their own life is just appalling....To me that is in a way, murder..The bully is responsible for that persons death....To drive another person to killing themselves is wrong....Yet the bullies aren't held accountable for their actions....Something has got to change....I see news reports and articles about kids as young as 8 taking their own lives because of bullying....This tears me up...These kids had their whole lives ahead of them and something happened to them that made them want to end it all....I tried suicide 5 times when I was growing up.....But that was because I had lost someone very dear to me.....I'm alive because I had friends and family I could talk to.....These kids don't deserve to be bullied....The bullying has got to stop....According to a post on tumblr there has already been 1 death due to this bullying and a few more that are in the hospital and in comas...they aren't expected to make it.....My one question to the Bullies....DO YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE??? These people have lives and they have  families and friends who care about them....Because of your bullying and hate they have taken the one way out that they knew.....You alone are responsible for their deaths.....You drove them to this.....How could you do something so horrendous as to cause someone to take their life....Is your life that bad that you have to take it out on someone else or was this just for kicks because you thought to yourself that it would be fun to bully someone until they killed themselves....To those people who are bullies you are the most despicable creatures on the earth...Let's stop the bullying....No more innocent lives need to die because of it....If someone is bullying you and you need to talk, go to a teacher, your mom, your dad, brother, sister, friends, or even a police officer....Just talk to someone...Sincerely, Flame....

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