Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rant for the day!!!

Good Afternoon!!! Pretty decent day so far....Finished with my classes for the day and have to work on both projects this afternoon and this evening....almost finished writing my Art History paper and then I can type it up and turn it in by the end of the week...My Polish on my short film script is coming along nicely too...Have to rearrange a few things but it will be perfect when I turn it in on Friday!!!! Okay time for a rant now...I found something on IMDb this morning and it just ticks me off....The movie isn't even in production and people are already starting in on it....If you are familiar with any of Jeremy's movies and what they are about and ones that he is in the process of making then you know that I will defend anything this man does....so he is set to start making a movie about the actor Steve McQueen and from my understanding he is set to star in it too....Well here is a part of a conversation that is going on with this one idiotic person named FutureRobot (the moniker she or he goes by) and another person on the IMDb boards...



» 1 day ago (Sun Dec 7 2014 14:38:12)

Ignore UserReportsure why not. a biopic of an alcoholic and wife-beater. sounds like a great fit for you fanfraus to drool over.
Your ridiculous boycott and that stupid change.org petition to screech at Focus Films. Maybe if this guy put in the EFFORT to support the content of KTM. but no. he wasted the press door mealy mouthed the subject so not to offend the gun toting tea bagging reagan fetishers when he wasn't BSing about the stunt family, naked 'girls' on his phone, and nonsense about the Avengers.
No wonder if Focus Films was pissed.
Get a life and get a god damn job.


» 1 day ago (Sun Dec 7 2014 18:03:19)

Ignore UserReport This may be a huge mistake if I am rising to some kind of bait here but my curiosity is kinda getting the better of me and absolutely no offence to anyone is intended but...
FutureRobot - in the nicest possible way - why do you care so much about any of this? You always seem really angry towards both Jeremy Renner and/or his fans here and frankly (again no offence intended) I'm just not sure any of us (him included) are worth the anger it seems to be causing you. He's just an actor for heaven's sake! It's OK to be a fan of certain actors and it's OK not to be a fan but getting upset over them means upsetting yourself over someone who will never know nor care about your opinions or feelings. Is it really worth it? What will it achieve? If it is him you have a problem with then as far as I am aware, you can live the rest of your life never seeing another of his films nor reading/listening/watching his interviews if it upsets you so. If it is his fans then why bother fighting with them -- I doubt you will change their minds.
Remember, the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference... If he or people on this board (I'm honestly not sure which of these it actually is) have done or said something that upset you, it is probably better to "turn the other cheek" as they say, forgive, forget and move on...
I'm not trying to preach or anything, just keep things in perspective. Stuff on the internet gets blown way out of proportion and makes for misery on all sides.

"You're all puppets tangled in strings."


» 19 hours ago (Mon Dec 8 2014 16:33:37 pm)
Ignore UserRethanks for the lecture, ding dong fan. I am not angry. I just find it absurd with you fangirls and your delusions. You fangirls love to curate and censor every stupid thing about him. I am allowed to critique because last time I checked, Amazon owns this site- not you goofs.
oh by the way, this isn't a fan site. Go waddle over to jeremyleerenner.com
Now I realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but this goes out to Future Robot....If you don't like Jeremy Renner then get the flipping hell off of his message boards.....You are taking up space that someone else might want to use on the boards....Further more keep you nasty comments to yourself....If you don't like anything that Jeremy does then why do you have to comment on it...This IMDb message board is for Renner Fans not Renner haters!!!! Get a life ....Yes you are allowed to critique but we are allowed to not listen and not read your comments....I tend to get a bit pissy when people like you make snide remarks about a person you have never met....Try being nice for a change....IF you can't be nice and make nice comments on his boards then leave....Just stating something that I feel....See that's why I have a blog....So I can state my opinions and not have to deal with people like you....Anyways...Enough of my ranting....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

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