Friday, January 30, 2015

Parts 5 and 6 Senior Trip and New Pictures of Jeremy at LAX!!

Good Morning!!! Pretty good morning so far...I did my second assignment for my MPL class and turned it in today..hopefully I did it correctly....Guess I will find out next week...I do need to get my camera out and practice some more with it and I think that I will do that this weekend...I really do need the practice...Plus I also need to go up to the college and see if I can do a documentary on the MA class this year...We shall see what happens...Okay I posted parts 5 and 6 of Senior Trip so that you can watch them over the weekend....gotta love this movie...It's classic Jeremy!! Okay the pictures are new ones from when he was at LAX a few days ago...He looks really good and that's all that matters...these are credited to newzcard as the logo at the bottom says...Gotta give credit where credit is due and they aren't mine...I found them on tumblr last night before going to bed....Makes me wonder where he was coming home from...At least he is home safe and sound and looking rested now....Although you can still tell that everything he is going through is taking it's toll on him....Let's hope that this divorce goes through quickly and smoothly, although I doubt that it will...I just have a sneaky suspicion that it is going to get really nasty...I hate to see him going through this because he doesn't deserve to be hurt and have his name dragged through the mud...I'm just going to keep doing what I am doing and supporting him through all of this..What else would I do?? This is a man that I knew nothing about until a few years ago and he gave me back my passion and my dreams...I respect and admire him and want to be there for him even though he doesn't know me...I'm not even a blip on his radar...I'm just a in a million....Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe....Keep smiling and keep your chin up, all this will be over soon...Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Parts 3 and 4 of Senior Trip..New Picture of Jeremy!!

Good Afternoon!!! Sorry so late in posting but school has me busy this week. Plus I also went to the gym this afternoon...I have one more assignment for classes this week to and then school is done for the week...I have to do some camera practice and film some shots then upload them and edit it down to 30 seconds...should be fun...Sorry for not posting yesterday but I wasn't really feeling to great and all I wanted to do was watch The Avengers on FX last night...So I posted parts 3 and 4 of Senior Trip today...I really do love this movie...Not just because of Jeremy but because it truly is a funny movie...Plus I do remember seeing it in the theater when it came out in 1995!!! I fell in love with Dags!!! Now I can honestly say I really have loved this man for a long time...As for the picture....It's brand new...Taken yesterday at LAX!!!! It's so nice to see that beautiful smile back on his face....I have missed seeing it and was beginning to wonder whether or not I would ever see it again!! Although I do wish I could see his eyes that way I could see if it reaches his eyes...I'm just happy to see it back where it belongs!!! Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! So glad to see that beautiful smile again love!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe....Keep smiling Jeremy!!! It lights up any room you walk into...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Part 2 of Senior Trip!!! Gotta Love Dags!

Good Afternoon!!! Sorry so late but with school and then going to the gym then coming home from the gym and dong another hour and a half in class I have fallen behind on some things!! School is going to keep be crazy busy this semester...I have to work on my assignments for one of my classes starting tomorrow...all in all it is going to be a tough semester for me but I will make it through...I also want to get in some time to work on my short film script and see if I can make it perfect...Still very frustrated on the one part that I can't quite get right....Okay today's video is part 2 of Senior Trip...I just can't seem to help myself!!! I love the character of Dags!!! He was so darn adorable and goofy!! I'll try and keep posting a part of the movie everyday if I can find for the pictures...Well the first on I made the other night and didn't post it until now...Love this one!!! I definitely want to get it printed out and maybe make the drawing ones into prints by themselves...As for the other picture...What can I say...It's a black and white one of Jeremy and I happen to love those the most...He's been on my mind a lot lately...Can't blame me either for worrying about him....I've seen some recent pictures and he doesn't look that good...He looks tired and worn out ....I can see that this divorce is taking its toll on him...Hopefully things will get better for this dear man and he'll get back to his normal happy self again...Anyways...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Senior Trip 10 minute video!!! Classic Jeremy!!

Good Afternoon!!! Sorry so late in posting but classes started back up today and all I can say is OMG the homework and everything that is involved for this semester...Going to be a very busy lady this semester in both classes but that's okay I will get things done and I will continue to get A's in all my classes!!! So here's to a busy and great semester and to all the things that I will be learning!!! I was a very happy lady last night!!! First off I watched The SAG-AFTRA awards last night!!! Pretty good ceremony...Was very glad that Eddie Redmayne won for The Theory of Everything last night!!!  Then watched AFV and laughed at some of the videos, especially the ones of the cats!!! Then I turned it over at 8 pm to FX and watched The Bourne Legacy!!! Made me a happy person when I went to bed last night...I got to see my guy and that made me sleep a lot better!!! Okay as for the video for today!! It's a brief 10 minute clip of Senior Trip!! This is one of my fave movies of Jeremy's...He was soooooo adorable and what I would consider puppy dog cute!!! Hey what can I say, he was sexy back then too!!! If you haven't seen it then watch the full movie!!! You'll laugh and wonder why you hadn't seen it before!!! The pictures are just ones that I found on tumblr and liked...Especially the second one...I do believe it was taken by Sarah Dunn and well that woman knows how to capture the true essence of who Jeremy really is!!! She really is fantastic!!! AS is the man she is capturing for all of time on film!!! Anyways....Gotta jet....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are Babe!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

The way You Love Me!!

Good Morning!!! Pretty good morning so far!! Can't believe that in 3 days I will be starting my 4th semester at AAU!!! So excited too....Although I do not like one of my classes I know I have to have it in order to more forward with my other classes that I want to take!!! I am going to be working on my short film script tonight and the rest of the weekend....I want o get it perfected and I am having a bit of a problem with one of the scenes but I will get it figured out and then I will be able to enter it into a contest...Wish me luck....I already have two others that I am working on and hope that I can get those done before the end of the year!!! We shall see what happens....Okay the video for today is The Way You Love Me, by Faith Hill....I love this song in that I would love for any guy to be able to see how he looks when he is loving his wife or girlfriend or even husband or boyfriend....It's a cute and fun song for the way I am feeling right now....*big smile*....The two pictures need no explanations....but I'll say this...The top one is of Hawkeye and anyone who knows me knows that I love this character....I am really looking forward in finding out where he was during Captain America: Winter Soldier...Where was SHIELD's top agent when it was falling?? We may find out on Agents of SHIELD when it comes back in March...Or we may not find out until Avengers Age of Ultron when it comes out in May!!! Either way I am curious as to where Hawkeye was during this time....As for the second picture....That smile!!! OMG!!! I would just die if he were to smile at me....It's this mans smile that just makes me day brighter...To me there is nothing brighter than his smile when you can see that he is happy...And in this picture he is happy....How can I tell....It reaches his eyes!! Anyways....Gotta jet for now....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe Wherever You Are Babe!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Rant for Today!!!

Good Afternoon!!! Pretty good afternoon so far...Just got back from the gym about 45 minutes ago....Feel really good....Got in 35 minutes of cardio today ...Which is pretty good...I'll work on weights Saturday morning!! Okay first thing I am going to talk about are these wonderful drawings done by a person on tumblr....These are amazing and well a bit on the racy side too....But love them all the same...If I knew who the person was that drew these I would definitely give them credit....I won't claim them as mine since I didn't draw them...I'm not a good artist...But kudos to the artist who did these!!! The second thing I want to do is go on a rant....IMDb message board really ticked me off again....Found this post yesterday afternoon, cause I don't go on there everyday anymore....

Mr. Renners-Runner
I love the way he checks out the interviewer in the beginning... then around the middle when she asks a question.. his face softens.... :)


 » 3 days ago (Mon Jan 19 2015 06:31:19) 

IMDb member since October 2013
I will say this again before you fanatics robo-flag it for auto deletion. This video is Renner at his worst : drunk, under the influence of god knows what else. Learing at a female reporter so obviously overcompensated. Making his colleague and costar visibly uncomfortable with his gestures . What does this buy him - a bunch of lunatic women fans who insist on defending this gross display of objectification. Says allot about you and what little you think about yourselves.
Have you noticed that most long time posters have left the IMDB building? who wants to associate with the insane for so long.
Yes, you are a joke. You go around all sorts of comment boards calling me a fat menopausal woman who can't get 'any' . Says allot of of your maturity. And by the way- i have seem some of you clowns on your tumblr pages. Pot meet Kettle?

The first is the start of the thread and I can say I haven't seen the video and even if I had I wouldn't go on a rampage about him...Like Future Robot did...She is basically calling him a drunk and saying that he was under the influence of some other substance....My question to this bitch is how the hell do you know whether or not he is or isn't drunk??? Were you with him during this time??? I don't think so...You are always criticizing him and bad mouthing him...and you don't know him at all!!! Why don't you go somewhere else and leave the Jeremy Renner message boards to those people who do admire, love and respect the man...No matter what he has done in the past....He is after all only human and has his flaws just like everyone else in the world...See your problem FutureRobot is you're just jealous of the people who like Jeremy and don't care that he has done some stupid things in his life....We accept him for who he is, flaws and all!!! If you can't understand that then go find someone else to criticize...As for how the people on tumblr look or don't look....Big deal if we aren't all a size 2...If you are bothered by that then that's your problem...See there is a word for people like you....That word is BULLY!!!!! You bully people and belittle everyone you can and to hell with their feelings...It's people like you that are the big problems....What you are doing on the IMDb Jeremy Renner Message boards is just that...Bullying!!! You are nothing but a cyber bully and you get your kicks out of criticizing anyone who doesn't agree with you...The only way to get rid of people like you is to ignore you and continue reporting you....Get over yourself...You aren't better than anyone else...And stop making slanderous accusations about something you know nothing about....Those will only lead to even bigger problems later on....Because what you put on the internet stays out there forever....Me personally I would love to see a lawsuit brought against you for some of the crap your have spewed about Mr. Renner....but that's just my opinion....Anyways....enough of my rant....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later.....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jeremy, your smile is brighter than the stars to me!!


Good Morning!!! Pretty decent day so far....Have a few things that I need to do today and one is to take my laptop over to Office Depot and see why my QuickTime isn't working...Hopefully someone will be able to help me figure it out and get it to working again....I am also going to start doing some bead work later on today...I think that I might be able to make a little money if I can get some made...We shall see....Also going to work on my shot film screenplay and see what I can do about getting the car scene corrected...It's frustrating...But I will get it done and perfected so that I can enter it into a contest...Wish me luck!!!...Okay I have been watching Agent Carter on Tuesdays and I really like it...This is a great show with a strong female lead and one that young women can look up to....If you're not watching it then go and find it and catch up on the episodes....It really is a great show!!! Now on to the picture for today....I made it last night and thought  would use it today....How can people not look at this man's smile and feel good??? That smile is beautiful and lights up the room he's in...It also lights up his face and makes him come to life....So yes I compare it to the millions of stars in the sky....Because there are no stars out that that are brighter than this man's smile to me...I want to see it more and hope that he smiles more than he has been...I realize that there is a lot going on with him this year and I understand that he may not have a lot to smile about but I would love to try to get him to smile again...Like he used to...His smiles don't reach his eyes right now but I know that some day they will...Jeremy, you will get through this and that smile will come back to where it should be...When it does I want to be there to see it!! Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I Love Jeremy Renner Get Over It, T-shirt!!

Good Afternoon!!!! Pretty good day so far and getting better as the day goes by!!!! I'm sorry so late but it's Tuesday and it's gym day so we went early this morning...Had to go in and have blood work done this morning before I went to the gym....Got the test results back and my numbers are coming down and that's a good thing for me....Means I am doing something right...The exercise and the change in my diet has really helped...Okay the three pictures today I got off of tumblr and the internet....The top two pictures are just two of many that I love of this man...The top one because he looks so damn FINE in a suit...He makes the suit look good!!!! The second one is from a concert for Steel Panther that he was at and even performed at....This is one of the stills from a video that was taken at the concert...The video is on Youtube and is worth taking a look at...Just proves that the man has an amazing voice....As for the last picture...I found this on tumblr this morning an d decided to save it along with the site it can be found on....Here is the site kusuriurisan on ETSY.  I am hoping that I can go to this site in a few weeks and maybe order one for myself....I do have an I Love Hawkeye shirt so why not get this one too...*big smile*...I did get one of the things that I ordered from Amazon last week....The movie A Nightmare Come True came in the mail today and now I have something new to watch....I also still have to watch Fish In A Barrel... may do that this weekend....I kind of have to do it then....Since Monday the 26th I start back to school....So I will be busy for the next 15 weeks....YAY!!!! Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe...Stay Strong and keep your chin up Jeremy!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fan Fiction by a fan from Tumblr!!!

Good Morning!!! Such a wonderful morning so far!!! I'm going to do something a little different this morning!! I found a short fan fiction on tumblr that a fan of Jeremy's wrote...It's about Hawkeye and the Trouble video by Pink...I enjoyed it and thought that it was a very fun and creative story..I hope you enjoy it as much as I here it is!!

"Hawkeye's in Trouble"

or What happens when I find out Jeremy Renner was once in a P!nk music video and I write a fic about it being Clint Barton and the rest of the avengers find out

So this is my first time posting on Tumblr, I hope you like the fic!

Got this idea when I watched the Pink music video “Trouble” and found that Jeremy Renner was in it. If you haven’t seen it go look it up on YouTube, it will make all this 10x funnier!

Anyway this is what happens if Clint had to go undercover in a music video and then the team’s reaction when they found the video.

Disclaimer: I do not own avengers or Pink but I love both of them dearly

Warning: rated T for mild language that may surface during this extremely embarrassing moment for Clint


"In here Pep." Tony called as he ducked back down to get closer to the wires he was pulling out of a crazy looking… thing he was working on. He heard Pepper’s high-heeled shoes clack down the floors of the halls; she stood in the doorway of the lab. Tony looked up to see her clutching a folder and biting her lip.

"Everything okay Pepper." Tony asked.

Pepper sighed and rolled her shoulders back and Tony had to keep himself from groaning in annoyance as Pepper went into business mode.

"Tony, do you remember that you were sponsoring that children’s concert for the children’s cancer center?"

Tony blinked at her “Really we’re sponsoring concerts for kids with cancer now? Are we trying to make me look like Ghandi or something?”

Pepper snorted and rolled her eyes waiting, Tony sighed and nodded gesturing for her to continue.

"Well I …" Pepper suddenly seemed nervous again. "A lot of singers volunteered their services so I decided to go through some videos to see if it was what we were looking for and well… I came across one particular artists video."

"Pep if it’s to much just say sorry you would scar children for life if they had to listen to you and move on."

"No it’s not the singer it’s the video… when someone goes undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D what does that necessarily entail?"

Tony gave her a strange look as she switched the subject “Uh from what I’ve seen anything S.H.I.E.L.D tells them to do I mean you saw Natasha she had to put up with me and she did it all with a deadly flip of her hair.”

"So say that someone would have to protect someone in a music video could S.H.I.E.L.D make them be in the music video?"

"…What did you find?"

Pepper clutched the folder tighter to her side “Oh no Tony I am not showing you this I just wanted to make sure what I saw was correct.”

"Pepper we both know that I’m eventually going to see it whether you show me now or I waste hours hacking all of YouTube until I find that video is up to you."

Pepper sighed in defeat knowing he was right, she sent up a silent apology to the person in question and opened up YouTube on one of Tony’s computers.

" Trouble by Pink, wow what did Natasha get herself into?"

"I never said it was Natasha."

Tony gave her a strange look but watched as the video started to play, they were a minute into it when Tony was about to admit defeat when he saw a glimpse of something that almost made him fall out of his chair.

"No way!" he said looking at Pepper as if Christmas had come early.

Pepper sighed and watched Tony’s smile get bigger as the video went on, once it ended Tony shot up and started linking things to his computers before Pepper could say anything.

"Avengers assemble in the screening room I repeat Avengrs assemble in the screening room." Tony yelled into the intercom system, several replies came back.

"What is it now Stark?"

"Tony what did you do?"

"I shall come at once Tony"

"Clint is up on the roof."

"Well get him down Natashalie because he is definitely going to want to see this." Tony said before turning to Pepper who was glaring at him, Tony flinched but then he straightened up.

"Don’t care about the consequences this time Pep, this is too good to just let slip through my fingers."

Pepper sighed in defeat when she saw he wasn’t going to back down. “Fine but you didn’t get the video from me.”

Tony put on a fake innocent face that just didn’t look right on him, “Who me? I was simply bored and absently scrolling through YouTube when I happened to stumble upon this little video.” Tony said grinning before he rushed out of the lab.

"Now you’re probably all wondering why I have assembled you here." Tony said as he stood at the front of the screening room holding a remote control as he stared at his teammates who were in variuous states of paying attention. Bruce and Steve rolling their eyes but reluctantly watching him, Thor was opening what seemed like his second box of pop tarts since he entered the room, Natasha was holding Clint’s arrow case as he repaired and checked each arrow.

"While I was looking through videos of several famous recording artists deciding which one to put into my show that I am dedicating to cancer ridden children." Pepper cleared her throat from where she had been sitting to make Tony stop egging it on, Tony got the message and cut to the point.

"So I have discovered a little finding that shows that someone on our team is seen in the music video industry." Tony finishes and watches as suddenly Clint stiffens when he hears that last part, Natasha takes a glance at Tony and he watches her lips twitch as if she were fighting back a smile. Tony grinned again and before Clint could stop him or even stand up he spun around hit play and quickly said "Just watch and you’ll see what I mean." He then sat next to Pepper because he knew that even Clint and Natasha were a little afraid of the powerful CEO.

The music video started, Pink came on dressed in her Wild West can can dancer outfit ridding her horse into the old west town. People looked confused until a minute in just like Tony when the camera showed a glimpse of someone and everyone blinked.

"Um Tony… could you rewind that?" Bruce asked as he cleared his glasses and Clint buried his face in his hands as Tony hit the rewind and sure enough Clint appeared on the screen once again, wearing a black cowboy hat and guy liner.

"Clint you never told us you were a performer." Thor says happily as he pats Clint on the back, Clint just half-growls half-moans in response, the video went on.

"So wait your is the sheriff of the town?" Steve asked as he watched Clint’s character spit off the roof and stare after the singer when she entered the bar. Clint just stopped responding.

"Nice brooding face you got there." Tony called as Pink and Clint stared at each other in the bar

"Why would you deny the woman her drink Barton she seems more than worthy?" Thor asked as Clint in the video shook his head at the bartender.

"No offense Clint but you seem pretty useless as a sheriff." Bruce who was now grinning as he watched the singer bar fight,

"Clint!" Steve called in surprise and shock when the Clint on screen smashed a glass over the singer’s head.

"It’s fake glass Steve it doesn’t hurt." Clint said not lifting his face out of his hands. Natasha finally put on a small smile as she ran her fingers through his hair but her eyes didn’t leave the screen, Tony could tell she was finding all this just as hilarious as he did.

"Pow right in the kisser!" Tony said when the singer managed to kick Clint in the face.

"This is what people like as entertainment?" Steve seemed utterly confused as he watched Clint shove the singer into a cell.

"Oh just wait Cap it get’s better." Tony spoke, Pepper took his hand giving him a sign to shut up and Tony heard Clint’s arrows clatter to the floor out of said archer’s reach.

Everyone watched as the singer tempted Clint to come closer and unlock her and there was snickering as they saw Clint’s character giving in.

"Taken down by temptation." Thor sighed as if he understood Clint’s pain which even made Bruce chuckle.

Then the next scene happened.

"Oh geez…"

"Well…alright then."

"Yeah! Get some Legolas!"

Were some of the responses as the signer and Clint basically started making out and humping at the sheriff’s desk. Until the signer managed to handcuff Clint to the bars.

"Wow just….wow." Steve said.

"Clint what’s wrong we both know you can get out of that easy." Natasha finally teased and Clint seemed to curl more into himself trying to make himself disappear.

"Must have been a slow day for him." Bruce chuckles as they watch as Clint still struggles to get out of the cuffs.

The final scene came up,

"Oh if it is a battle of ropes then the Hawk will definitely reign victorious." Thor cheered as he watched the singer and Clint face off with whips.

"Clint…what’s that in your ear?" Steve asked when the camera did a close up of Clint’s face.

"That would be an earring Steve." Tony pointed out happily.

"Men wear earrings now." Steve seemed genuinely confused

"Well some do why don’t you ask Clint about it, I mean look at his magnificence, he wears it so well."

They all watched as Clint’s character lost the fight and was surrounded by can can dancers, the video ended soon after that and everyone kind of just quietly stared at the screen. Before they heard a slow clap and turned to Tony who was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Well congratulations Katniss you managed to spit off a roof, get beaten up by a girl who is not a lethal assassin, get tricked by a girl in her womanly ways and tackled by a bunch of bitter can can dancers."

Clint was now full on glaring at Tony and Bruce could tell by Natasha’s grip on his arm that she was holding him back.

"Are you finished Stark?" Clint growled

"Oh lets not forget you did it all in a sexy cowboy hat and you can pull off guy liner, seriously I would be proud of that not many can pull off guy liner." Tony’s grin looked like it was going to split his face. Clint let out another growl and then looked at Natasha, they seemed to have a silent conversation before Natasha turned to Tony.

"You have 30 seconds to run." She said. Tony looked confused until he saw her group loosening around Clint’s arm, his eyes got wide and he ran out of the viewing room yelling for Jarvis to grab his suit. As soon as he left the room Natasha dropped her grip and Clint ran out grabbing his arrows on the way.

Pepper grinned but gave Natasha a pointed look, the assassin just shrugged. “My grip slipped.”

Bruce suddenly turned to Pepper “You didn’t just stumble on that video did you.” He looked at Pepper with raised eyebrows and Pepper now looked smug.

"Those two needed something to break the ice between them and make them bond and once Clint figures out he can’t impale the Iron Man suit they’ll start a childish prank war and start bonding." Pepper replied.

Natasha smirked, Steve smiled but shook his head, Bruce chuckled and Thor grinned and seemed to laugh to himself, possibly thinking of scenarios his fellow comrades would get into.

"Ow! Goddammit Bird Boy I called truce!"

"I’m a secret agent I lie for a living."

"Yeah yeah tell it to Oprah OW!"

Everyone now in the screening room were trying to contain their laughter, Pepper looked around and smiled, Fury might have assembled the avengers but Pepper planned to keep them together.
Anyways!! thought that I would do something different....Maybe just maybe Jeremy will read it and get a kick out of it....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Stay Strong, Jeremy!!

Good Evening!! I know I normally don't post on Sundays but decided to do so tonight!! I heard a song that I hadn't heard in a long time and posted the video for it....Kelly Clarkson's Stronger....Figured it fit in with what Jeremy is going through right now....My message to you, Jeremy, I this...What doesn't kill you makes you stronger babe...You have to fight through this...You'll get through this and be stronger for it in the long run..Just a little bit of advice from a woman who cares a lot about you...As for the picture...It's a collage I made a few nights ago and decided to post it....The saying is so me and what I feel for this wonderful man....I did fall in love with you Jeremy...You don't even know me and yet you have made a big impact on my life...Crazy thing is, you didn't even know what you were doing....Remember something as you are riding out this rough patch in your life....There is one little girl who matters more than anything you are going through right now...Never lose sight of the bigger picture...You are a fantastic father and everyone that sees you with your little girl knows this....All they have to do is look at you when you talk about her...Your face lights up at the mere mention of her name....You were born to be a dad and that is the best thing that has ever happened to you...Keep your chin up babe and stay strong...Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Jeremy, my shining star

Good Morning!!!! Had a lot to do this morning since it snowed last night...I was happy when I saw it coming down yesterday!!! I love the Winter time and love it even more when it snows!!! I love the cold weather....Call me crazy but the colder it is the better I like it!!! so we had to pull out the snow blower this morning and do the driveway and the walkways too...Mom did the driveway and I did the sidewalks with a broom and made a path to the back gate too!! So been a busy's video is the wet version of Drowning by The Backstreet Boys...I've admitted it many times I am a fan of theirs and have been to a few of their concerts!!! their songs are great and make me happy!!! This song is one that brings back some memories and they are good ones so I can listen to it and feel good about it....thought that if I posted it again maybe Jeremy would get the meaning of it....He makes me happy and that's what I am saying with this song...As for the collage...Made it last night!!! I mean every bit of the saying on it too!!! Jeremy is my shining star and makes my world a better place because he is in it...Just wanted to let him know that!!! anyways...Not really much to say right now....So Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe...I really hate the fact that Kill The Messenger was snubbed at the Oscars....It was one of the best performances I have seen in a long time!!! Best movie I have seen in a long time too!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

My rant for the day!!

Good Afternoon!!! sorry so late but it was gym day for me!!! did mostly cardio today and it felt good!!! I know that I have lost some weight because my close are kinda baggy on me....And that's okay!!! Actually had a guy watching me while I was working out...Weird...But he was actually kind of nice looking...*smiles*...Okay now onto the pictures of my sweet adorable Jeremy!!! the top one I did last night and happen to really like it...Mainly because it is in black and white and he just looks so damn sexy in all three of the pictures that I used!!! Normally I don't go for men that smoke because it's just gross but this man is sexy so I could deal with it....although I would try and convince him to stop...and I think he may have stopped...not for sure...It would a good thing since he has a little one to think about now and I know he wants to be around to see her grow up...The second one is one I did last year...Valentine's Day is around the corner and he is my perfect Valentine....I'm trying to create several so that I can make a calendar for me and a few of my friends who are big time JR fans!!! There was an issue that I was going to talk about but the thread looks like it may have gotten deleted from IMDb...And that would be okay with me...All I know is that this person was trying to cause trouble and should really keep her mouth shut about things she knows nothing about...She was posting about an article she read online through The National Enquirer....A reputed rag mag....Here's the link to the article....
Personally I think it's a bold face lie and should be taken down immediately....Anyone who would believe this crap bag of lies is just as ignorant as the person who wrote it....Put then again...everyone is entitled to their own opinion....Me, I want the whole truth and we're not getting that from this magazine...It really isn't any of our business what is going on in Jeremy's personal life...He's a very private person and deserves the respect of keeping his life private...That's all I am going to say on this matter...Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....You got this love....things will work out the way they are meant too....Keep your chin up...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New picture of Jeremy from Sunday night!! Looking Great!!

Good Morning!!! Been a difficult morning so far...My search engine needed to be changed in order for me to post this morning....Go figure!!! Oh well at least I am able to do so now!!! I am so bored at the moment....I cannot wait until the 26th when school starts back up...I have so much to do before I can start though....I have to get Windows re-installed so that everything will work right....the idiot who rebuilt my tower didn't do it properly and basically it's shoddy work...So when I get anything more done to it I will ask a person who knows more about computers than the idiot that rebuilt my tower 2 years ago...He totally screwed it up big time...Anyways...Nice picture today!!! Taken Sunday at the Golden Globes...He looked really good here....But when he was onstage with Jlo he looked like hell...Sorry babe, but you did...He had dark circles under his eyes and looked like he hadn't seen sleep for a few days...Either that or he was a bit on the drunk side...who cares....All I know is it's starting to show that he is having a rough time of this whole situation...Hopefully things will be okay soon for this wonderful man...I know that I am one of many that adore this man and just want to see him back to the happy and lovable man we fell in love with....Jeremy, love...Things may seem bleak now but things will get better....You just gotta keep your chin up and more forward...You'll get through this...You have a lot of support from your family, friends and fans (people you don't even know, but we love you and hate to see you hurting)....We are here for you...Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Keep looking up, cause that's where it all is...Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New AOU trailer!!! Awesome!!!

Good Afternoon!!! sorry so late but had to go to the gym this morning!!! Needed to work out the kinks in my neck!! for some odd reason it has been bothering me for a while now and don't know what I did to it...Oh well...It'll get better with time....So excited!!!! Just watched the new trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron and WOW!!! This is going to get serious!!! May cannot get here soon enough!!! there are so many things that I am looking forward to seeing in this movie....The one thing I am looking forward to is how they develop the character of Hawkeye!!! I'm in agreement with many of the people out there who love this character as much as I do (course then again I love the man who portrays him) as to where he was during the fall of S.H.E.I.L.D....Hopefully we will find out where he was as the movie begins....According to Joss Wheadon, Jeremy's character will have more screen time and have a bigger role in this movie...Now this would make me very happy and I know it will make a lot of other people happy too!! Another thing I am looking forward to seeing is this new Iron Man suit called the Hulkbuster....WOW!!! Okay this could be either very cool or just plan weird!!! I am really looking forward to seeing the character of Ultron...I know that's crazy to say but I love the bad guys....Plus he is voiced by one of my favorite actors, James Spader.....He has the perfect voice for the bad guy role....Plus if you watch carefully in this video clip you'll see a brief glimpse of Loki....I barely caught it but it's there and goes by fast...It'll be cool to see him back again...Loved Loki in the first one even though he did turn Clint into a zombie for the first movie!!! anyways....enjoy the new trailer...I am waiting anxiously to see this movie!!! Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Golden Globes Pictures of Jeremy!!

Good Morning!!! Pretty decent morning so far and hoping that it continues to be so as the day goes by...2 weeks from today I start back to school and boy am I ready for it too...I am really looking forward to going back....Okay the video today is Rascal Flatts "God Bless the Broken Road"....I love this song and feel that it is perfect for my feelings for Jeremy...I thank the Goddess everyday for bringing this wonderful man into my life and for him showing me what was missing in in my life....So this song is for you my sweet loveable and adorably silly man!!!! the pictures today are brand new...Taken last night at the Golden Globes!!! Now if you watched them then you already know what happened and I am not going to bring it up....Basically because it was a joke and not meant to be taken seriously...the man himself even said that on his twitter account...But I am going to post something that another of his many fans said on tumblr last night in his defense...I'll post it at the end of the blog today...I think people got a little out of hand last night with what was being said and people have to remember these things are scripted...Although the stuff that Tina Fey and Amy Pohler were saying was just out right disgusting...And I for one did not find it one bit funny at all....Thankfully they will not be hosting another awards show...As for Jeremy...I just have this to say....I love you even more now than I did before....You brought a smile to my face and besides...You were only saying what everyone else was thinking....Personally, the dress JLO had on was downright distasteful and tacky....Have a little more sense to dress a little more becoming....But then again...That's just my opinion...Besides she laughed at what Jeremy said so that's all that matters really....anyways..Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out....Here's that post from a fan on tumblr from last night, as promised...She says what I wanted to say last night but couldn't find the words at that time...Please read and understand what she is saying...I know I did....

Attention Jeremy Renner Fans
Listen up ok, if you’re a “fan” and you “adore, love” Jerry then prove it. How do you think Jer would feel if he seen all the hate that some if his “fans” are commenting. He would fucking hate it and be so upset with himself, with everything he is going through this is Jeremy being Jeremy again, re-finding his sense of humour. He’s trying and that’s all that matters, how would you feel in his shoes with what’s going on in his personal life? Cause I know how fucking hard a divorce can be, my mum and dad split when I was 13 and it was like an outright war.
So please just be happy for him, accept that he is trying to move on and be himself again because to me that is very fucking admirable.
I would happily take a bullet for this man and I wouldn’t even think twice about it.
Chin up Jerry,
Love Harris



Friday, January 9, 2015

New pictures of Jeremy!!!

Good Morning!!! Pretty decent morning so far...Have a lot to do today and just not a lot of time to do it....Got my desk cleaned off and ready for the new semester that begins in 17 days!!! I will be so glad when classes start again....I am so bored right now....Although I do have a few things that I can work on to keep me from being bored....I have an update to do on my short film script to send in to my instructor to see what he says about it and to see what I need to improve on....The car scene is really frustrating me...If I can't get it right this time around I am going to scrap the scene and redo it with something else...that and I also want to work on my other feature length script a bit too...My characters have been arguing with me and it is a pain to hear them in my head at night....Especially Jax!!! So hopefully if I write a bit on that then he will leave me alone...Oh the joy of being a writer....*laughs*...Okay the video today is one of my favorites by Rascal Flatts...It's called What Hurts the Most...I just like the song itself and the group give it a listen and see why I like it so much....As for the pictures....Well they are new, taken yesterday....He doesn't look all that happy right now and who can blame him....Keep your chin up babe...Things will be okay...You'll see...Trust me on this....Anyways....gotta jet for now....Lots to do..Stay strong Jeremy...Know that there are people out here that do care about you and want you to get through this intact....And you will....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay Safe wherever you are right now babe....See you on Sunday night at the Golden Globes!!! I'll be watching!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

I knew Jeremy was Trouble when he walked into my life!!

Good Afternoon!!!! I know I know, I'm later than usual today...But I have a darn good reason....I was at the gym working my butt off this morning!!! I soooo needed it too....I have energy now to get through the day...I have a lot of stuff I still need to do and some of it is going to get done after this post...I need to clean my desk so I am going to do that so that I can get ready for the semester that's coming up!!!! Okay first off...Watched the Peoples Choice Awards last night and it was decent...Can't say that I was impressed with the hosts...But ehhh...the three great things that happened last night was when the award for the Icon was given to Betty White....Loved that Chris Evans was the perfect gentleman and helped her onto the stage....Now that was lovely to see...His mama brought him up right!!! Love Betty White...She is 93 years young and still doing what she loves to do....Making us laugh!!! then the second one was when Chris won for best action star!!! that was awesome...I did vote and yes I voted for him...then the last thing was when Robert Downey Jr won for favorite movie actor...He was so cute....His little speech that his son told him before the show just made me smile...He is a wonderful human being and a great actor!!! Well deserved too!!!Okay now onto the video for today...I might have posted it before but I just love this song and I listened to it while I was doing my weights today!!! It's I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In by Taylor Swift!!! And yes it is definitely directed at Jeremy!!!! I knew I was in big trouble when he just kind of strolled into my life!!! I was a goner the minute I saw him!!! I mean come on how could I not be a goner!!! I mean look at the man!!! He's intensely sexy, incredibly handsome, perfectly masculine, has the voice of an angel, eyes that will make you melt and a smile that makes your heart skip a beat....Plus he is humble and hasn't let fame go to his head...He is more than just a pretty face too...He produces movies and he renovates houses!!! So he's great with his hands!!! Although I have to say my favorite thing about this man is his laugh....It's sexy to me...Cause every time I hear it I smile and laugh too...His laugh just makes me feel good....there is also another thing I love about him....And that's his loyalty....What more can you ask for in man??? So when someone takes pot shots at him and tears him down and says things about him that just aren't true, then yeah...I am going to defend him....I'm a fan and that means something to me....There is one thing that I have never done...I have never said anything bad about him, nor will I....I don't claim to know him so I can't say I know what's going on in his life....that's none of my business...He's going through a bad time right now and I'm going to support him in this time...He needs the support of his TRUE fans, not the ones that say they are true fans but then turn around and criticize him for what he has done in the past....I truly admire this man and everything that he does and everything that he stands for...This is what Loyalty least to me it does....Anyways...sorry for the rant....I do hope that he had a great birthday yesterday and that he got all that he wished for and more....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! See you on Sunday at the Golden Globes!!!!I'll be watching!!! Stay Safe wherever you are babe.....Stay Strong too!!! Until later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!