Monday, August 25, 2014

He finally did it!!! Here's Jeremy's IBC!!!!!

Good Morning!!!! What a great morning it is too!!! Ladies and Gentlemen Jeremy finally took the Ice Bucket Challenge!!!! He decided to have his friend Sam Rockwell do the challenge with him...Or should I say be his lifeguard!!! *laughing and rolling on the floor*.....this has gotta be the best one yet!! well at least to me it is!!! Although Chris Evans's was pretty cute too!!! but as you can see Jeremy is wearing shorts and a t-shirt and sitting in a kiddie pool!!! Love this man for being a total goofball!!! He is so adorable and funny too...It's good to see this side of him....It's nice to see him doing something for a good cause and having fun doing it!!! Good for you Jeremy!!! I had a really crappy day at work last night and when I got home and checked my tumblr account I discovered that he had finally did this challenge....I had a big smile on my face as I watched Leslie Bibb pour a bucket of Ice Water over his head!!! I went to bed in a much better mood....I'm a in a good mood this morning because of this man.....Now I can think about this and smile...So thank you Jeremy for making my day a lot brighter by being a wonderful man and having fun doing something fun that was for a good cause....By the look really HOT all wet!!! *naughty grin*....The picture is from the press tour he is doing for Kill The Messenger which opens in 46 days.....He looks so adorable and sexy in his glasses!!! I wish he would wear them more often...I like him like this!!! Course I have always been attracted to men that wear glasses...*shrugs and smiles*...Anyways....that's all for now....Lots of Love To You Jeremy!!! Stay safe wherever you are babe....And again...Thank you for finally taking the plunge and doing the IBC!!! You are a wonderful man and I do so adore you!!! Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!

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