Friday, February 14, 2014

SEXY on a Bike!!!

Good Morning...well for another 4 minutes that is!!!! Great morning so far and my day is just starting to get really good....I got my camera last night and I have to do my Respect For Acting assignment this afternoon or this evening and upload it tomorrow morning!!! Cannot wait to use my new camera!!! Took my Short Film module 3 quiz this morning and got a 100% on it!!! Was there ever any doubt!!! *big smile*....So far I have A's in both my classes, to which I say YAY ME!!!!! Anyways....HELLO GORGEOUS!!!!!!! The man is on a bike and I am loving it!!! Mind you these were taken 2 years ago as he was leaving a hotel...Don't care at the moment....The man looks down right SEXY as SIN in that leather jacket and sitting on that bike...Now normally I am a Harley girl....But if this man is on any bike then I am a goner....I want to climb onto the back and wrap my arms around his waist and hold on...Cause I know he will take me for the ride of a lifetime!!! *big dreamy smile*....A girl can wish!!! I do so adore this man and would love to be able to tell him just how much someday...But I want to work with him too so I gotta do what I gotta do in order to do that someday!!! Trust me on this Jeremy, I will be worth the wait!!! Anyways!!! Lots of Love and Safe Travels Jeremy, wherever you are....Until Later...Jeremy's Flame, out!!

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