Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Great movie poster concept for HAWKEYE!!!!

Good Morning!!! Got finished with classes earlier than normal...Still feeling really dizzy this morning but it is slowly going away....really do not want to go to the doctors because I am dizzy...If it continues though I may have to....*grumbles*..really do not like doctors!!!...Enough of that now onto my guy!!! How cool is this piece of fan art....I found it on tumblr and decided that I needed to post this to my blog....How cool would this be if the movie actually happened???...This girl would be very happy as would a lot of women out there in the world!!! He has quite a fan base and it seems to be growing every day....Not just because of the character HAWKEYE....but because of the man who plays him....I mean come on people....Jeremy is HOT!!! or to put it in simpler terms...He is Sexy as Sin!!! or like I like to say Sex on two legs!!!! *snarky grin*....I for one would love to see Hawkeye get his own movie....They're giving Black Widow her own movie...Plus look at all the other characters....Iron Man has 3 movies, Thor has 2 and then there is all the Hulk movies plus the remakes, and let's not forget about Captain America, he has 2 movies now....So come on Marvel....Give Hawkeye his own movie....Make the little Hawkettes happy and give our man a stand alone movie....This way we can see our guy as Hawkeye again!!! Hey a girl has got to try and get her man a movie of his own....Hawkeye is a great character and he is underused too...So come on....Make a Hawkeye movie and that will make a lot of women happy, especially if we get to see Jeremy in that incredibly sexy suit!!!! *laughs and smiles*....Anyways.....Lots of Love to you Jeremy, stay safe babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!

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