Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Rant for the day...IMDb girls just knock it off!!!!!!

Good Morning!!! Pretty good morning with the exception of the fact that I am going to go on a rant today!!!! I am so flipping sick and tired of prissy little bi****s going on and on about this man and the fact that he got married....Oh and now they are saying he is GAY too!!! Okay here are the comments on the IMDb message boards that I found last night and the people who made those comments:


I just started looking through the board because I saw Kill The Messenger to find that he got married.

Think he's a badass actor, however from what I can deduce he's gay or maybe just into both sexes. Does seem like he's a great Dad from the interview I read but the woman the child's mother does seem an odd choice for someone like Jeremy Renner. She looks like a stripper kinda cheap and it seems she was one and an call girl too? Nothing like Hollywood to cover up homosexuality by throwing a hot looking thing in our face and putting a ring on it. Maybe he just got married for his kid and to protect his career? You can't force a man to get married so it was obviously a choice whether it was constructed because of his public image or because of love is a mystery right now but all signs point to beard to me.


Okay JR Board……................I have lots of questions here for the board, I don’t know if the board can help. While this is only a hobby – gossip- that I turn to when I'm bored probably like the rest of you.

And I do think JR is a simply fantastic actor Ill play along and have a little fun with this new tidbit.

1. Isn’t JR closeted gay or at least bi-sexual? Is Sonni just a beard/cover up like Katie Holmes to Tom Cruise and Kelly Preston to John Travolta? Not saying he may not have love for her and of course his daughter he clearly is over the moon about fatherhood, but Jeremy has been living with his male “friend” Kris for over a decade they flip houses together and he still lives with Jeremy and his “wife” Sonni? Um…….okay……seems legit. What normal married couple would want a third wheel? Not any I know of and not that she has a lot of barganing power being that JR is the celeb here, but what woman in her right mind would put up with her husband allowing his best friend to live with them????????!!!!!! Not any woman.

Renner’s sexuality has been the worst kept secret in Hollywood according to many blind items. Not only has he appeared in a number of blind items over the years he was famously outed by Ted Casablanca a couple years ago in 2012 when his editor mistakenly put in Jeremy’s name instead of his code name“Freddie Friction” to conceal identity and not enter into legal territory – when the mistake was noted – the editor changed it immediately. Almost immediately after Ted was fired after 20 years on E! Don’t believe me? Google it!

THEN....When JR was shooting Bourne 2 years ago he got into a fight in Thailand. Most of the news failed to report the fight took place in a Gay Thai bar and the cause for the fight was that Jeremy had paid for a Gay “Ladyboy” to spend the night with him and his pimp aggressively came after Jeremy the next night for more money which lead to the fight. Again. Google it.

Nothing wrong with being gay in fact I think people should be whoever they are I am just a little confused about his marriage. From what I have read she was some kind of escort and stripper in VC then worked as a Stand In on Mission Impossible where she met Renner. There's not a lot of information on this girls past and I'm wondering why......seems suspicious.......

Additionally he has been spotted wearing this ring on and off for about a year now so I don’t know if this marriage is a recent development Or......….he just now feels like going public with it when he's promoting his film "Kill The Messenger"? Weird timing ETC., ETC.,

Maybe no one has answers but I don’t know something here doesn’t seem “right” to me……


Personally, I really don't think he's gay...more likely to be a man-whore I would say. The vibe I get off him is that he likes women....a tad too much...LOL!

I don't know why people keep going on about what his wife used to do. Isn't this Hollywood?? I reckon she's right up his street. He enjoys strip joints...he's admitted that so the fact that he got an escort pregnant is not really a surprise. I don't suppose he planned it that way.

Ten quid says he and his mates used escorts (male parties entertainers) all the time. Rich guys and City guys do this. Every time you hear City boys say they are going for a lads night out or stag know what's going down...! And don't want to be there. You do get your champagne for free all night though....hahaha...!!

But seriously, what are they supposed to do for sex? They don't want to get married (wife) and they don't want to be tied down (girlfriend) yet. Escorts are the answer. Expensive...discreet...contained. This notion that they should wait for a 'good' woman is outmoded thinking. Whose definition of 'good' are we going with?

Personally, I can't wait for the time to come when women can do this as well without labels. Sadly, I'll probably be in my 60's by then and will miss all the fun. The last time I shagged my boss, it went all round the department and I had to change jobs...LOL

All I can say is these prissy little bi****s need to learn when to keep their mouths shut. Cause this could wind them up in a whole heap of trouble..It's called SLANDER people!!!! And if I were Jeremy then I would definitely be suing each and everyone of you for saying what you are saying....Don't go and say stuff that isn't true!!! you do not know anything about this man's life other than the fact that he is an actor. He is a private man and deserves to be respected for keeping his private life private...As for calling him a Man-whore miss BritAfrica!!!! What the hell!!!! Just because he likes women doesn't mean he is anything of the sort!!!! It is none of our business what this man does or doesn't do when he is away from the public eye...Can we please just leave this crap alone and love the man for his acting ability and nothing more?? I have always been one to defend this man even though I do not know him personally....And heavens knows he doesn't know me from Adam!!!! But I am so damn sick and tired of all the drama that you prissy little girls put out there that I do the only thing I can do!!! And that is defend him because he is the one person whom I admire and respect because he is the way he is....Why is that you have to say such nasty things when you don't know the truth about what you are saying.....don't assume anything...You all know what ASSUME means don't you??? It means you make an ASS out of U and ME!!!!!!! By saying all these untruths about Jeremy you are just making an ass out of yourselves!!! Get your facts before you say anything!!! Leave the man and his life alone....Love him for who he is and not what you expect him to be!!!! Okay enough about that...Sorry for the rant, but this crap really bothers me....Anyways....Lots of Love To You Jeremy....Stay Safe wherever you are babe....Until Later....Jeremy's Flame, out!!!!


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