Friday, July 12, 2013

Good Morning!!! Well what's left of it..I know I'm late but had to run a few errands...Still have homework to do later but not alot...Thought of a song that fits for me at this time in my life..Maybe it applies to Jeremy too..Not sure...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can you see what I see

This is from the song Stop and Stare by One Republic...It was featured on the TV show Castle during season 1...I love the song and think the lyrics say alot...Everyone does get scared and it can be overcome...You just have to believe in yourself and know that you can do whatever you want no matter what anyone else says..I believed enough in my self to actually go for my dreams but I had a little help in that too..If it had not been for Jeremy I don't think I would have gone for my dreams again...I am not going to give up on those dreams no matter what anyone tells me...Life isn't fair but that's okay..This is my life now and I am going to reach for the stars now..That's what I think this song is saying...Anyways...Until later..

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